Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Your nabe may have its own ice cream

A mom-and-pop Astoria outfit has come out with 5 Boroughs Ice Cream with flavors named after different parts of the city.

Astoria has "Bakla-wha?" and Jackson Heights has "Mangodesh." Can't wait to see how they honor Flushing...

Not all areas of the city are enthused about their flavor name:

S.I. Boro President Cries Foul Over Ice Cream

Politician not happy with Staten Island landfill-themed ice cream

Staten Island Protests Demeaning New Ice-Cream Flavor

But the company has a response:

Boycott T-Shirts


georgetheatheist said...

Rename the Staten Island flavor:

Anonymous said...

How about tutti-frutti for a flavor called "Middle Village Pinky?"

Anonymous said...

Yes! And chocolate covered gummy worms for Forest Hills - "The Katz Litterbox!"

Anonymous said...

doesn't this SI moron-borough president James Molinaro have anything better to do. This is another reason why we should rid of the BP position all together

Anonymous said...

you could name a flavor after our corrupt bribe-taking counciljerk, dennis gallagher, call it "pinky surprise." In each container is a portion of the stolen money gallagher took from Brian McLaughlin. A portion of the proceeds of the sale of the ice cream can go to little leagues in his district.

Anonymous said...

Actually I'm with Molinaro. Why not use the Verrazano Bridge, the ferry, the zoo to symbolize Staten Island? Why use the dump?

Anonymous said...

Maybe SI council-crusader Jimmy 'the wooden bat' Oddo could sponsor a resolution calling on the city to refrain from using derrogatory references when naming ice cream after a boro.

Sounds right up his alley..

Anonymous said...

You think you guys have it bad? How's this for a flavor:

Hoboken Ho-down. Stale beer and cigarette butts with an overdose of yuppie cologne wafting from an overcrowded bar.

Anonymous said...

Staten Island Zoo sucks...there is only one real zoo in NYC and it's in the Bronx

verdi said...

My suggestions for Flushing's flavor..... "Coconut Corruption" or "Lemon Liu"!

In the more explicit category....."Floatables Fudge"....."Sewer Sundae"...."August Aroma" ....."Strawberry Street Mash" get the idea!

Hey.....why not start a naming contest? !!!!!

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