Monday, June 11, 2007

Katz & Pinky cancel kids' games

Yesterday, a concert sponsored by Council Members Katz and Gallagher, as well as the NYC Parks Department, Middle Village Chamber of Commerce and Middle Village Maspeth Civic Association, was held in Juniper Valley Park on the lower ball fields.

We love the idea of summer concerts in the park, however, we would like to know why a concert that apparently attracted only a couple of hundred people at most, as evidenced by this photo, required closing down four baseball fields. According to permit holders, their games were canceled for the entire day with only a day's notice. Parks officials admit that games could have been played at least up to 4pm.

Those who did attend were in for a treat - the Queen of Queens Crap reportedly sung and then left before intermission.

Best quote from the press release for the event: “I invite everyone to come out with their friends and loved ones - bring a chair, blanket, or picnic under the stars and join us on June 10th to enjoy a free night of music that will leave you feeling like a true American,” concluded Council Member Gallagher.

The concert started at 5pm. The few stars that can be seen from Queens start to become visible around 9pm this time of year. We wonder what stars Pinky was seeing.

Thank you to NY Magazine and the NY Observer for linking to this post!


Anonymous said...

I was at Gallagher's concert today. What a mess! Just under 200 people were there and Gallagher got just a few claps.

A big set up for a puny crowd. More to follow on this fiasco.

The badship s.s gallagher is taking on water.

Anonymous said...

Are you freakin' kidding me? Do you know how hard it is to get permits for any baseball fields in this city? So many teams are vying for the same fields. The kids who got the permits only to have them rescinded should put out a press release explaining what lousy representation they have in the city council. Of course, all Pinky and Katz have to do is throw a little funding their way and all will be forgiven. That's why things are the way they are here in Queens.

Anonymous said...

It's so disgusting having a Democrat and a Republican joined at the hip the way the Queen and Jester are. Why isn't anyone questioning this cozy relationship? You don't see Hillary and Newt going around sponsoring events together. Why is it different on a local level?

Anonymous said...

If I had to vacate a ballfield for which I had a permit only so that no-talent witch could sing one song and leave, I think I would file an aural assault complaint against her.

Anonymous said...

Was there booze served at this event? Maybe that's why Pinky saw stars.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't shock me that the politicians would pull such shenanigans, but I thought the MVMCA was a respectable organization that looked out for kids. How wrong I was.

Anonymous said...

The MVMCA? That's Pinky's phony civic association. You know, the one that collects no dues yet has all this money to sponsor events like this one. Wherever do they get it from?

Anonymous said...

Wow Melinda Katz in Middle Village...did she need Mapquest in order to find the park?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said:
"I was at Gallagher's concert today. What a mess! Just under 200 people were there and Gallagher got just a few claps."

Who gave Gallagher the clap? Melinda-san?

Anonymous said...

I thought that Pinky and Alley Katz were supposed to be from opposite parties?

After her stint with looks as though Mel found herself a new "canoodling" partner she can sing with!

Anonymous said...

what a sham! gallagher used the event to promote his phony civic, his phony accomplishments, and that phony chamber of commerce that just does his bidding.
how does a civic association that charges no dues, sponsor an event, make a banner, make shirts, pay for meeting halls, put out flyers etc? .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I was at this concert and in no way was it a mess. That picture you have there is probably while the concert was being set up.

Quit digging guys. Stick to overdevelopment issues.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Wow Melinda Katz in Middle Village...did she need Mapquest in order to find the park? "

Actually, I think she needs Map Quest to find Forest Hills, I think she has forgotten about us over here!

Anonymous said...

"That picture you have there is probably while the concert was being set up."

Atually, there probably were more people there during the setup than during the show.

Many people left at intermission.

Anonymous said...

the picture was taken at intermission, I have others...all showing a puny crowd

Anonymous said...

more kids were displaced by cancelled games than people who actually attended the concert.

Once again Gallagher screwed up. Was he too busy with his war on his constituents to promote this sham attempt at a photo op?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Our games were canceled because some politician wanted to sing. Isn't that wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I was next to Gallagher at the concert and he was cursing up a storm yelling at his staff.. What a maniac. The concert sucked.

Anonymous said...

What's the smell of burning weed coming from the back of Gallagher's house. Hey Dennis it's 10pm do you know where your children are?

Anonymous said...

I was at the concert and no I did not clap for Mr. Gallagher, I don't like his way of doing things. The music wasn't bad but the orchestra did not play that long and there weren't many people there. I only heard about it a few hours before from a neighbor when we saw them setting it up.

Anonymous said...

Did you see how pink gallagher was? He stood out like a roman candle. That man is going to blow a gasket.

Anonymous said...

The skinny blonde woman in the pants suit who sung has an annoying voice.

Anonymous said...

Was Dennis Gallagher selling porn in his little booth at the concert? Oh I forgot, he only sells that at Catholic High Schools.

Anonymous said...

Councilman Dennis Gallagher is undoubtedly a horribly corrupt politician who will leave an even worse legacy in the neighborhood. To see how corrupt this man is please visit: Danger Below.

Anonymous said...

Councilmember Gallagher has already sealed his fate as horrible leader. Why would he pick a fight and continue to disparage the Juniper Valley Civic Association, the best thing to happen to this neighborhood? Is there something terribly wrong with him?

Anonymous said...

YES, YES, YES there is something terribly wrong with Councilman Dennis P. Gallagher. Here’s a partial list of his performance as a city official paid for by our taxes:
• Dennis Gallagher sexually harassed staff members going back when he was chief of staff to Councilman Tom Ognibene right up to the present.
• Dennis Gallagher conspired with a crooked building consultant to corrupt the NYC Department of Buildings.
• Dennis Gallagher took bribes, free gifts and got special treatment and jobs for his friends. Detectives have hours of wiretaps on him proving this.
• Dennis Gallagher formed a phony Democrat political organization called “Concerned Democrats for an Independent Queens”, funded it with cash and mailed flyers to thousands of voters before an election bashing an opponent.
• Dennis Gallagher formed a phony civic association, funded it with money from his cronies. It’s his own private platform to try and fool residents.
• Dennis Gallagher formed a company called and sold pornography from Christ the King High School.
• Dennis Gallagher illegally uses his staff to do his campaign, personal work and work for his phony civic group while on the city payroll. They are also working against the JPCA.
• Dennis Gallagher got his wife a job with the School Construction authority. Later they formed their own company that illegally does business with NYC schools and even set up company contacts within a local public school.
• Dennis Gallagher is so corrupt and immoral that he spreads vicious lies in the neighborhood about dedicated community volunteers.
• The best is not being mentioned here since it is under investigation. You see Dennis Gallagher shits where he eats…he cheated ex-employees, cheated political friends and bragged to several people about his illegal activity.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

where's DA Brown on all of this?

Anonymous said...

Hey Crapper, did you see the new site? It's great! Please link to it.

I'm trying to figure out something though, if Curly is Dennis Gallagher than who's Moe and Larry?

Anonymous said...

Just think, we'll soon have an out of work attorney named Me-linda and a out of circulation bald pink convict named Dennis. Oh how fitting.

Anonymous said...

I came to this blog from the link at the New York Magazine website. I live in Forest Hills and can't stand that do-nothing piece of shit named Katz. I remember what she did to our beloved Trylon Movie theater.

Of course she would cancel kids baseball games to get a chance to sing off key. She would do anything for publicity. I'm glad people were wise to her and didn't show up to this concert.

She's done nothing for Forest Hills. Her office staff is useless, their only job is to help Melinda Katz grandstand.

BTW, great site, I'm glad someone is speaking out on all the abuses in Queens. There's a lot to read on this!

Anonymous said...

Did Katz really sing or go... "Meow, meow, meow, meow..." (You know the rest!)

It's no wonder Pinky saw stars.

Anonymous said...

This concert was poorly planned. Why was it held at such an inconvenient time?

Anonymous said...

Once again.....judging by the typically huge number of comments posted..... the "popularity" of this political "couple" is certainly self evident!

Anonymous said...

we had our doubleheader cancelled for this?

Anonymous said...

Once again the corrupt Pinky sideshow has sputtered and failed. Keep working Mr. Dennis Pee Gallagher... we see you are getting more pink everyday.

We think the pink-o-meter has hit 8.5... a little higher and your corrupt and immoral lifestyle will finally catch up to you.

Anonymous said...

The Concert for Pinky Aid was a complete failure.

Anonymous said...

You still have not learned your lesson be prepared to be served another law suit. This one will bankrupt you personally. The insurance companies frown on stupidity.

Queens Crapper said...

gotcha said...

"You still have not learned your lesson be prepared to be served another law suit. This one will bankrupt you personally. The insurance companies frown on stupidity."

You talkin' to me, Pinky? What do you mean another lawsuit? Threatening me over anonymous comments is pretty damn stupid. Because you can't win. But go ahead, Pinky, do what you do best. I'll make sure to have the papers posted when you do it. You'll get wonderful exposure. Especially when you serve the papers on the wrong person. Oh, this will be so much fun! You write the posts for me, you know that?

Anonymous said...

Oh man, Pinky threatening free speech again? Will he never learn?

Anonymous said...

I have to agree, Pinky, knock it off already. Maspeth and Middle Village did not elect you to do harass people.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Pinky's goal is not to win with the frivolous lawsuits he has his cronies bring, but to harass. He is a pig, plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

You know what else is protected speech? Calling yourself gay in a flyer and then saying your opponent did it. That was one of the many underhanded tactics Pinky used in a couple of his elections. Everyone knows that gay guys don't dress that sloppily, though, so no one bought the lie.

Anonymous said...

So, the Pink-panty wearing sissy is back to cowardly threats again?

Pinky, put the drink down. Listen.

Nobody likes you. Nobody respects you. We are all laughing at you. We all know all about you and what you do to and with your "staff".

Here's the story: You are just another elf among midgets. You do get butt sniffing and other action permits, but, that's all.

I would like to tell you to grow up, but it looks like that's not likely to happen, so why not just give it up; admit you're a loser with purchased friends and lovers.

Since we all know of your faggotty, cowardly ways, your threats are meaningless, so now start telling your purchased "friends" to stop telling us everything. They're talking to authorities, too. So, watch your flank. The end is near.

Anonymous said...

U.S. Internet defamation suit tests online anonymity
Sat Jun 16, 2007 9:25AM EDT
By Jason Szep

BOSTON (Reuters) - It bills itself as the world's "most prestigious college discussion board," giving a glimpse into law school admissions policies, post-graduate social networking and the hiring practices of major law firms.

But the AudoAdmit site, widely used by law students for information on schools and firms, is also known as a venue for racist and sexist remarks and career-damaging rumors.

Now it's at the heart of a defamation lawsuit that legal experts say could test the anonymity of the Internet.

After facing lewd comments and threats by posters, two women at Yale Law School filed a suit on June 8 in U.S. District Court in New Haven, Connecticut, that includes subpoenas for 28 anonymous users of the site, which has generated more than 7 million posts since 2004.

According to court documents, a user on the site named "STANFORDtroll" began a thread in 2005 seeking to warn Yale students about one of the women in the suit, entitled "Stupid Bitch to Enter Yale Law." Another threatened to rape and sodomize her, the documents said.

The plaintiff, a respected Stanford University graduate identified only as "Doe I" in the lawsuit, learned of the Internet attack in the summer of 2005 before moving to Yale in Connecticut. The posts gradually became more menacing.

Some posts made false claims about her academic record and urged users to warn law firms, or accused her of bribing Yale officials to gain admission and of forming a lesbian relationship with a Yale administrator, the court papers said.

The plaintiff said she believes the harassing remarks, which lasted nearly two years, cost her an important summer internship. After interviewing with 16 firms, she received only four call-backs and ultimately had zero offers -- a result considered unusual given her qualifications.

Another woman, identified as Doe II, endured similar attacks. The two, who say they suffered substantial "psychological and economic injury," also sued a former manager of the site because he refused to remove disparaging messages. The manager had cited free-speech protections.


"The harassment they were subjected to was quite grotesque," said Brian Leiter, a professor at University of Texas Law School. "Any judge who looks at this is going to be really shocked, and particularly shocked because these appear to be law students."

The suit is being watched closely to see if the posters are unmasked, a step that could make anonymous chat room users more circumspect. It also underlines the growing difficulty of protecting reputations online as the Web is used increasingly to screen prospective employees and romantic partners.

"They can't hide behind anonymity while they are saying these scurrilous and menacing things," said Eugene Volokh, a professor of law at the University of California, Los Angeles.

He said the site was not liable under federal protections that are more lenient on Web sites than TV and newspapers. Prosecuting the manager could also be difficult because he did not write the posts, Volokh added. But the anonymous posters look liable and their careers could be jeopardized, he said.

"This ought to be a warning to be people that if you say things that are not just rude but arguably libelous and potentially threatening and perhaps actionable on those grounds then their identity might be unmasked," he said.

Finding and identifying the posters -- including one called "The Ayatollah of Rock-n-Rollah" -- could be tough but is not impossible. The process involves subpoenas issued to Internet Service Providers for records, and then more subpoenas to companies, institutions or people identified on those records.

"I've said in my blog the most vile posters on that board are two subpoenas away from being outed," said Leiter. "This led to much amusement by the anonymous posters on the board.

"But they are about to find out that this is how it works."

Story Site

AutoAdmit Forum Site

Queens Crapper said...

That's really great Pinky. Too bad the people mentioned on this site are 1) public figures 2) nothing posted is untrue or is opinion protected by the first amendment 3) no one has been threatened and 4) you can't prove damages, which is the standard for libel. Have fun with your subpoenas. I am sure the Queens DA is preparing several for you as I type.

Anonymous said...

This is great information, Pinky. I'm considering a lawsuit against the Patriot blog. We'll not only expose you, but we'll expose all the garbage that associates itself with you, and probably will be able to sue the city of New York for your misconduct while on the city payroll and while using city resources. We already have screenshots of you taking photos from a certain photographer's website. This is going to be so much fun.

Anonymous said...

Booga! Booga! BOOGA!

The cowardly elf makes another anonymous threat. Of course, Queens Crapper's reply says it all.

He's weeping because anonymous posts are threatening him. The midget is a complete, unhinged, moron.

Here it is again, stupid Pinky: We do want you removed from office so that you WON'T be a public figure anymore (until the trial starts). So, what you want is called an anticipatory suit. Ask the two legal geniuses who cling to your every rant.

Even after you're in prison (again, still on our dime, so, still a public figure) you can't sue because that would be an ex post facto claim. Consult again.

Take it like an elf and just go away.

Anonymous said...

I predict Pinky will sue. He can't help it. He has a compulsion to hurl slapsuits and threaten anyone who doesn't agree with him. He is upset that his own derogatory blog is unsuccessful and he is desperate. Wait till he sees what gets unleashed on him in a couple of weeks. Hold on to your hats, folks!

Anonymous said...

I was at this concert. It was kind of a downer. I agree there weren't that many people at the event. There should have been more. I'm in the photo in the Times Newsweekly newspaper. The photo looked like 50 people were there but I would guess there were close to 200. Whoever was responsible did a poor job in organizing this event.

Regarding the baseball games that were cancelled, that was a shame. However there were a bunch of kids on the adjacent field that were hitting balls in the crowd and no one stopped them.
It was very dangerous.

Anonymous said...

The depositions for his next suit will be interesting.

He MUST answer all the questions, especially since he would be the plaintiff.

All the questions, moron! Are you ready for that?

Anonymous said...

Oh boy! A frivilous lawsuit destined to wind up shredded in Queens Supreme Court. Oh, speaking of Queens Supreme Court, after being tossed from the Civil Part, please save DA Brown some time and stop by the Criminal Court. They have a message for you.It's become somewhat of an open secret.

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