Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Fire dad suing city

The West African father whose wife and four kids perished in a horrific Bronx blaze last March has taken the first step toward a $100 million lawsuit against the FDNY and other city agencies for negligence, The Post has learned.


The claim identifies as potential defendants: the FDNY; the Department of Buildings; the Department of Housing Preservation and Development; and Moussa Magassa, who owned the Woodycrest Avenue three-story home where the Soumares died in a horrendous inferno on March 7, and lost five of his own children.

What's striking about this entire thing is that the family's immigration status is somehow not an issue. They came here illegally. Now they are suing the city for $100 million even though they weren't supposed to be here in the first place. Great country, this America!


Anonymous said...

Remember, according to news reports, he had been in this country a number of years, so things like modern infrastructure should not be a marvel to him.

But, the real point here is that when people are tweeded, they do take on certain distinction and his suit against the city is just another example of their privileged status.

The 'tweeded' are indeed the royalty of our city.

Exempt from constraints of morality, common sense, and gravity that us mere mortals are subject to.

Anonymous said...

What a friggin' insult to the FDNY that they might claim negligence for not responding well enough to the fire.

Anonymous said...

Um, what does this have to do with Queens and/or preservation?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the blogger what an insult to our FDNY. Are they responsible for people here illegally and not abiding by our laws? How many people were living in that house?

How dare they? Would they be able to file a lawsuit for this in their home country? Would they? NO!

Queens Crapper said...

The house was an illegal conversion and burned down because it was one, it housed too many people, who ended up dying, and it was inhabited by illegal aliens. I would say it's a story that cuts across borough lines.

Anonymous said...

A general lack of code enforcement by many of our city agencies (which oftentimes are known to"look the other way") is certainly responsible for these deaths (as is the property owner) !

Whether or not an "illegal status" immigrant has the right to sue will ultimately depend upon the depth of his "pocketbook" to pay "the lawyers" involved in this case!

I'm sure, however, that a bunch of "hot shot" wanting -to-make-a-name for themselves ambulance chasing attorneys will, no doubt, be on the spot to take up this "cause"!!!!

I'm for the owner forfeiting his property for breaking the law in the first place!!!!

Now, that's a deterrent to future abuse!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Illegal immigrants should not be here in the first place. What part of illegal is not understood. We are a nation of laws and we have illegal immigrants breaking them and now we allow them to stay in this country and sue us.

I am sorry that this tragedy happened. I don't think a lawsuit should be allowed.

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