Monday, June 11, 2007

Crowley on congestion

Apparently, MUNICIPAL-CAR USE IS IN HIGH GEAR. Perhaps someone should take the freebies away from the mayor's staff and then see how congested downtown is.

Meanwhile, King Tweeder Congressman Joseph Crowley is reportedly in favor of congestion pricing. Way to represent your constituents, Joey!

Queens Leader Supports Bloomberg’s Traffic Plan

As you may know, the Mayor appoints criminal and family court judges and the congressman is the Queens county party chair...

How about that renaming of Queens Boulevard for your predecessor? In favor of that, too? Oh, that was a silly question.

How about this?

Mayor pushes for new LIRR, Metro-North stations and this: Mayor: Rail riders benefit from traffic fee

These are areas “that historically have been underserved by public transport into Manhattan,” Bloomberg said.

On the contrary, Elmhurst and Corona are 2 neighborhoods that already have multiple subway stations. HOW ARE PEOPLE GETTING TO THEM, MIKE?

When an announcement is made that the subway will reach all the way out to the Nassau County line, we'll be impressed.

Update - New poll shows even more people opposed to congestion pricing than before:

Majority oppose NYC congestion plan: Crain's poll

Photo from NY1


georgetheatheist said...

Crowley was Pasha Manton's boy-whore...[Sorry Joe, look in the mirror and tell yourself it's not true]...Boss Manton, we all should know, conveniently announced his retirement from the US House of Representatives AFTER the deadline for a Democratic primary to have the voters select a candidate to be his successor...Manton "looked around" for someone to fill his shoes and, let's face it, folks, pulled a fast one by appointing his boychick to be the interim Rep....What a racket!!!

[And boy-oh-boy, did Crowley ever ass-kiss Manton's "legacy" at the Woodside Post Office naming last Fall...All the Democratic Politician Bobble-heads came to see their Woodside Wunderkind give his lap-dog eulogy.)

Anonymous said...

Crowley is for it. He should be the first to be targetted for defeat if this abomination goes through.

Anonymous said...

What is it with the likes of Crowley and Weiner? They get elected by citizens from Queens and then turn on them to represent their supporters in Manhattan.

Anonymous said...

An olde tyme ass kissing ward healing Irish politico like Manton would only pass his crown to another son of the sod.....or is it son of a something else!

Sheit 'n onions!

grvsmth said...

Wake up, Crapper and friends! Crowley is representing his constituents. 33% of Queens residents overall support congestion pricing, and it's got to be higher in our district, where less than 9% of residents drive into Manhattan during business hours.

I'm glad that Crowley is actually representing me, and not listening to the FUD coming from the Queens Chamber of Commerce.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to grvsmth's world, where 33% represents a majority.

Anonymous said...

Looks like 32% are in favor of it in Queens. Mostly those who live in LIC, which will become even more of a parking lot than it is now if this were to be implemented.

Anonymous said...

A deal was made in order for this dim bulb to come out in favor of this stupid plan. Politicians make deals - the taxpayer suffers.

Anonymous said...

I doubt this jelly-spine nitwit will pressure any of his political colleagues to support congestion pricing.

Spitzer, Crowley, Bush - it doesn't really matter what they think anyway. It's a state legislature issue.

Anonymous said...

One of the least talked about parts of congestion pricing is that Manhattanites, our new elite, our new landed gentry, will be allowed to drive their cars and polute the outer boroughs for free, as will commuters coming in from LI looking for closer parking spaces in LIC.

The traffic backup in Queens will be un-imagineable.

I have a plan to get over two thousand vehicles along with their associated pollution off the roads of NYC immediately. Take away government supplied limos and cars now. Well let the DOB have them, but only if they start inspections again. Give all those guys free metrocards instead. Supposedly, according to mayor mike, the mass transit system (other than LIRR stations in Corona and Elmhurst, which will be built) is presently fully able to get you all over this city, from the Nassau County line all the way to Broadway. Well then fellas, have at it, Here's you Metrocard, have at it.

grvsmth said...

Crowley doesn't represent all of Queens, and the Quinnipiac data isn't broken down by congressional district, so we don't know what percentage of his constituents support the plan. I included the 32% (sorry, not 33%) figure to show that it's not like everyone in Queens is opposed to this.

The fact is that congestion pricing is in the best interest of Queens residents who will get cleaner air, less congested streets and better transit. The only people who will lose are those who think they're too good to ride the subway with the rest of us.

Anonymous said...

Now I know why the guys in eastern Queens are going bonkers over congestion pricing: they understand that with it the pressures for development to follow the transportation routes will increase, which means the LIRR which means their pat-each-other-on-the-back 'success' in downzoning can be kissed goodbye.

Anonymous said...

grvsmith, it's time to get your head out of your posterior and smell the roses.

Unlike you. who probably lives within walking distance of a less than twenty min commute on the subway into manhattan there are hundreds of thousands of queens residents who live a short walk to a LOOOOONG bus ride, and the buses only run, jammed to the rafters every twenty mins at best and don't run 24 hours to a 40 min standing room only subway ride from the city. That's around one hour each way. Add that to an 8 or 9 hour workday and what extra time do you have? You show up at work, tired, irritable and does it get any better? Nope then you have the return trip. Try and stay in town to do anything and your trip turns into an all night one and half hour to 2 hour nightmare home.

Yes they use cars. An automobile is perhaps a 30 min trip in traffic at worst, and then the return trip if later than rush hour is 20 mins. You tell them not to use a car when the alternative is an hour and a half trip from hell. I didn't even mention the cars that are not air conditioned, the waiting time in near hellish temps and the smelly homeless who inhabit the E and the F train, some of whom are capable of clearing out a car in even the most crowded train.

You elitists don't get it. Neither does Mayor Mike. Revoke Crowley's private state car privileges and you'll see him go kicking and screaming. Even with a free metrocard.

Anonymous said...

Even if Corona and Elmhurst get back their long-closed LIRR, stations, will the public use them? I'd rather take a crowded subway and save $2 daily than take an LIRR. I live in Forest Hills, a neighborhood with both options.

Nevertheless, I support the congestion pricing plan. Any Queens resident who works in transportation- ambulances, taxis, buses, etc is likely to support the mayor's plan. We must be the other 33% of Queens residents.

Anonymous said...

crowley's a sell out

grvsmth said...

I love how some of you will brag about your big house and your SUV in one breath, and then turn around and call people elitists for living in an apartment and riding the subway. Make up your mind: are you rich or poor?

If there are really people who will go from a 30-minute drive to an hour-and-a-half bus and subway ride, I sympathize, and I hope the city will provide good express bus service for you. But the fact is that I've been subsidizing your low-density, polluting lifestyle for years, and I don't think it's too much to ask you to start paying for your larger share of the bridge and street maintenance.

Anonymous said...

To George the Atheist: I think I love you again. Please, will you please!!!! see my special ad in this week's Tribune. I made it especially for you.

Anonymous said...

Joe Crowley is a good man. He's doing what he thinks is best for his constituents. I admire him and I support what Mayor Bloomberg is trying to do.

Anonymous said...


Who's bragging about SUV's and big houses? I don't see that anywhere in this discussion.

Anonymous said...

GRV makes up whatever facts he/she wants to support opinions...

"33% of Queens residents overall support congestion pricing, and it's got to be higher in our district"

Ok, I get it... GRVSMTH says it's 'got to be', so it is to be taken as fact. What a crock.

georgetheatheist said...

Trixie, whadaya mean "you think you love me AGAIN"?...You once stopped?...I'm still trying to find your ad in that sleazy Tribune rag but, I dunno, some of those other babes are enticing sirens too!

grvsmth said...

Anonymous, I assumed you could tell the difference between a fact and a conjecture. No, I don't have any polling numbers specific to congressional district, but Crowley's district (the one I live in) contains Sunnyside, Woodside, Jackson Heights, Corona and Flushing, plus some very heavy transit-using parts of the central Bronx. Lots of people who will never drive a car into Manhattan during weekdays.

Anonymous said...

Just because they are from an area with subways doesn't mean they are in favor of congestion pricing. The people in those neighborhoods already face packed-to-capacity subway cars as it is. I am sure they wouldn't be in favor of more. Or their neighborhoods turning into giant parking lots.

Anonymous said...

I personally will enjoy blaming Crowley when the cost of retail products go up exponentially in order to compensate for the $21 daily congestion toll paid for by the trucking company.

Anonymous said...

Joe Crowley also thinks landmarking requires the consent of the homeowner (proof of this will soon be forwarded to the Crapper for posting). This isn't the sharpest knife in the Congressional drawer.

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