Friday, June 8, 2007

Continental crapfest

"One of Queens' most prestigious addresses is now going to crap. This Tudorbethan beauty on 71st-Continental Avenue near 110th Street has been reduced to a skeleton.

It shall be replaced with an unimaginative McMansion right out of a catalog. Say goodbye to Harry Potter." - mazeartist


Anonymous said...

Sorry "mazeartist.....but it's time to make more money and move into "The Gardens" proper !

The rest of Forest Hill's days seem to be numbered!

Anonymous said...

Hey, now that SSG may be landmarked and HDC is led by a Queens resident, perhaps resources that used to go to the other boroughs may now go to where they are most needed: Queens.

Perhaps the agenda may now shift to things that are actually useful to us: addressing the misinformation churned out by the politicians and media and lack of information and attention from the presevation community.

Anonymous said...

The same thing is happening in Douglaston...a beautiful 1925 Center Hall at 48-06 Douglaston Pkwy was recently torn down. No doubt, another pile of crap will go up that looks like the rest. Over the past 2-3 years gorgeous homes have been torn down just to be replaced with plain brick buildings with no architectural details. It has to be stopped.

Anonymous said...

How do you know this house will be replaced by an "unimaginative McMansion right out of a catalog"? Do you have access to the owner's plans?

At least wait until you can see what is being built before spouting the usual knee-jerk QC anti-development crap.

Anonymous said...

There will not be anything that remotely comes close to the beautiful building that was once here. You don't need to see the architect's plans to predict that. Cheap is in.

Queens Crapper said...

Actually, this looks like it is one of those new buildings being built under an "alteration permit." Keep your eye on this one, mazeartist.

Anonymous said...

How could those bastards crappify a fine work of art??? The craftsmanship can rarely ever be matched up today.

No doubt in my mind that a new building is being built under an alteration permit. My, how the greedy punks continue to manipulate the Dept of Bldgs & community. When will the DOB wake up? I wouldn't be surprised if they're an accomplice when it comes to such a loophole.

In the Forest Hills Gardens, you would be barred from your home if you tamper with it in such a way. Councilwoman Melinda Katz: Won't you help us for a change?

Anonymous said...

One thing that is always consistent about this...."fh guy" poster.....he's in favor of almost anything ugly that goes up in the the proposed Heskel Hotel!

He probably works in the "Alley Katz's" district office or is one of her "canoodler" partners!

Anonymous said...

So original, anonymous. Accusing me of working for a politician. Do all QC commenters attend a class on how to respond to those that don't agree with them: call them names, accuse them of working for a developer, accuse them of working for a politician, etc.

My point, if you actually read my comment, is that nobody knows what the new house will look like yet so we shouldn't have a knee-jerk assumption that it will be an ugly McMansion.

Anonymous said...

True, we won't know what the building will look like until it is built, but when was the last time you saw something built in queens that wasn't a hideous piece of crap?

My money's on the crap.

I know FH guy loves his high rises, but most of us think they're fugly.

Anonymous said...

FH Guy- I also live in FH. I am not anti-development, I am anti-sprawl and pro-sustainable development.

Anonymous said...

"When was the last time you saw something built in queens that wasn't a hideous piece of crap?"

It may shock you to know that only QC readers feel this way. If you go out into the real world, you will get many varied opinions on new developments in Queens, many of them positive. But I know that QC readers prefer their own fantasy world to the real world where people actually might disagree with them.

And I don't love all high rises. Only those that are built in the middle of low density and single-family neighborhoods.

Anonymous said...

This "fh guy" is just a knee-jerk for the"uglification" of Forest Hills.....whoever he works for!

Anonymous said...

Maybe "fh guy" is just a jerk.......drop the knee!

Anonymous said...

It may shock you to know that only QC readers feel this way. If you go out into the real world, you will get many varied opinions on new developments in Queens, many of them positive.

Don't you love it when people from outside the community move in and proclaim the future of it? I guess he never asked the people who have lived in the area for generations, only his yuppie friends. And I bet they don't even live in Forest Hills, or even Queens.

Anonymous said...

One thing for certain this "fh guy" definitely has a vested interest in ugly matter who he is.... or may represent!

It seems that QC's right on the money comments really "get his goat"!

Don't you just love it how he always digs himself a deeper grave with his ludicrous retorts? !!!!!

Keep 'em comin' "fh guy"! We love to hear from you!!!

We all enjoy a good verbal Tennis volley!!!

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