Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Chatillon crap

"The Chatillon Scale Factory, on Kew Gardens Road south of Lefferts Boulevard in Kew Gardens, is believed to have been the community's first garage. Its neo-Tudor design was both distinctive and beautiful. After the factory closed in early 2005, it was acquired by new owners who, we heard, intended to keep the exterior of the building intact and renovate only the interior.

By all appearances, that is not to be the case. Sadly, it looks like the Chatillon now gets its name added to the ever growing list of dearly departed, undesignated landmarks."



Well, Joe, it looks like Chatillon is just another pile in the Katz litterbox. We've been inundated with scoops from there lately.


Anonymous said...

does anyone know for sure what is slated for this space? residential? tall? low-rise?

Anonymous said...

Disgusting. The uglification of Queens continues uninterrupted.

Anonymous said...

It's the "Sano" demolition company at work once again I see!

It seems that every demo/foundation pouring job in Queens bears this distinctive death mark!

Anonymous said...

There's that SANO guy whose name appears on almost every demolition site in queens, the guy has a private jet( gulfstream 2) and two helicopters, needless to say business is booming

Anonymous said...

By the way V.O. are his initials Vincenzo OppediSANO

Anonymous said...

I lived next door to that building in the very early 90s. It is so sad to see that building just tossed away like that. Where is my Queens going?

Anonymous said...

Down the crapper!

Anonymous said...

Who are these BASTARDS who misled the community? I believe in Karma, so what goes around, comes around.

Anonymous said...

"Well, Joe, it looks like Chatillon is just another pile in the Katz litterbox. We've been inundated with scoops from there lately"

Maybe that's cause Mel is working night and day to canoodle her way into higher office, so her litter box is even filthier than usual.

verdi said...

Yeecch.....introducing the new "CRAP-ILLON"!

Anonymous said...

Decision and Order of THE BUSINESS INTEGRITY COMMISSION TO DENY THE REGISTRATION RENEWAL OF SANO CONSTRUCTION TO OPERATE A TRADE WASTE BUSINESS.....for failure to pay $308,000 in Judgements and 18 criminal court judgements. Vincenzo Oppodisano referred E.C.B. as a "parasite" stating that "even a tape worm recognizes that it must leave something for the host or they both perish." Mr.Oppodisano lacks good character, honesty and integrity. Sano Construction may not operate a trade waste business in New York City!

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