Thursday, May 3, 2007

She has two N-words for you, Mike!

Letter to Queens Courier:

It was so disappointing when I realized how two-faced our Mayor Michael Bloomberg is. He recently introduced his 25-year plan for a “greener New York.” He asked us to “turn out our lights” and we will pay less for electricity and “pollute less.” I think the mayor’s lights are on but nobody’s home.

How dare he ask us to contribute to lessen pollution while he allows thousands of cars to park on the grassland of Flushing Meadows-Corona Park?

How dare he ask us to preserve energy while The Daily News reported that it costs taxpayers $800 million a year to keep the lights of city buildings on during nighttime hours?

How dare he profess to care about children getting asthma while he allows the emissions from cars parked alongside ball fields in the park?

What about the children who play on the oil and gas spills after those cars leave the park?

I think the mayor is dripping oil!

Has our mayor learned from his political colleagues that he can say one thing to impress us and do another behind our backs? It appears that way. The more people stay quiet the more politicians will con them. Where are the politicians who oversee that park? Are they busy pandering to Tom Cruise and other more important issues like the “N” word than the health of the immigrant children who are at risk in the park? It sure looks that way to me. I have an “N” word for them - narcissistic or nauseating.

I am just so fed up that our communities do not use their voices to remind our politicians that they swore to protect and serve us. Maybe this issue will haunt them when they look for our vote in the near future. I know I will be there to remind them of their lack of care for the people who think they are being PROTECTED AND SERVED by them.

Joyce Shepard, CSW


Anonymous said...

How in the hell can you 'green' a city if you want to add 100,000s of people?

Staretza said...


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you're still at the helm with your on target criticisms....Joyce! Good job!

Anonymous said...

Hey.... Mayor Oink Oink.....are you listening?

I guess you don't care too much about about Flushing Meadows Corona Park.

The Latinos who use it aren't your class of people!

Anonymous said...

"Has our mayor learned from his political colleagues that he can say one thing to impress us and do another behind our backs? It appears that way. The more people stay quiet the more politicians will con them."

I love Queens activists, as long as it is a Republican it is ok to be a critic.

A Democrat?

Hushed silence, bowed heads, studiously looking at shoes, hats in hand, a few clearing their throats.

And that is why things will never change. You need backbone, folks, you need backbone.

And until you demonstrate it, and go after the right folks, it ain't ever ever ever gonnna change.

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