Thursday, May 3, 2007

Rally to rezone

Councilman David Weprin, Councilman James Gennaro, State Senator Frank Padavan, and several civic association leaders spoke at a rally to encourage swift rezoning of many Queens neighborhoods.

Queens Rallies to See Rezoning Results

Don't delay zoning changes: Weprin

Pols join call for rezone

"We're here at the doorstep of City Planning to send a message," said Gennaro. "Every month that goes by, we lose irreplaceable neighborhoods. We must close the loophole. I cannot stress loudly enough the importance of getting the rezoning done."

Hey Jim, why are you and your buddies holding a rally about this when you should be at city hall passing legislation to close the zoning loopholes? You and your colleagues have already had 6 years to do so. To quote a sneaker campaign: "JUST DO IT!"

Photo from Queens Ledger


Anonymous said...

Because he's term limited now and better to save the actual work until as late as possible so it will be fresh in the minds of the folks when you run for your higher office.

Anonymous said...

Even better, instead of headline grabbing (all sound and fury and no substance) why don't they downzone the entire borough, or better, at least come clean with the public showing how money is wasted 'tweeds' when it should be spent on 'needs.'

Services at this level are inadequate. What the hell will happen when we are swamped with another few hundred thousand?

Downzoning a few dozen blocks is a big waste of time.

faster340 said...

I have to ask though, where's Pinky? (Dennis Gallagher) hhhmmmmm.....

Anonymous said...

It's always good strategy for a politician to "walk the fence".

In that way he can choose to step off (at the last minute) on the winning this case.....the one who will be his next meal ticket!

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