Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Maspeth opens Industrial Business Zone

Maspeth’s status as one of the city’s few remaining strongholds of industry got a little stronger last week, with the opening of an office dedicated to luring start-up businesses while retaining local stalwarts.

Home Base For Industry Opens Doors In Maspeth

City launches Maspeth Industrial Business Zone

To alleviate real-estate uncertainty, Bloomberg has also guaranteed not to support the rezoning of property for residential use within the zone...

Unfortunately, St. Saviour's is within Maspeth's manufacturing zone but was not included in the industrial business zone, which probably would have saved it. We'll just pretend that was an oversight and not done with the intention of helping the developer get his required zoning change so he can build houses there.


Anonymous said...

Oh yes.....St. Saviour's an "oversight"!

With his sharp beady eyed predator's vision.....Bloomberg never misses a meal or a trick!

I'd call him a Pig....but I wouldn't insult that highly intelligent animal!

Anonymous said...

Please try and remember this... Bloomberg is on a mission to create more housing for his Sanctuary City. His target is 1 million more units. He doesn't care how many neighborhoods he destroys or how many landmarks disappear.

Anonymous said...

We have to make it our objective that Greedyberg is removed and his next sanctuary is in the vault of his bank counting all his money until the end of time.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry about St Saviours.

All we need to do is increase the LPC budget and play musical chairs with the commissioners.

Everything will be ok.

Anonymous said...

Mike "the Turtle" Bloomberg is a billionaire asshole, plain and simple. Bloomshit is so cold that he makes Donald Trump look compassionate.

Anonymous said...

No problem for St Saviours. We have 2 commissioners from Queens.

According to the recieved wisdom of the preservation community, we are already half way there to changing landmarking in Queens.


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