Friday, May 11, 2007

Fort Totten military base to close

In a move that some consider a threat to the safety and security of New York City, the Department of Defense is relocating an Army Reserve unit from its 40-year home at Fort Totten in Bayside.

Totten Troop Loss Could Hurt NYC

As part of its 2005 Base Realignment and Closure project, the DOD is planning to deactivate the headquarters of the 77th Readiness Regional Command at Fort Totten, downsize it to a sustainment brigade and move the unit 90 miles away to Fort Dix in New Jersey.

Senator Padavan weighs in on the issue:

New York needs troops at Fort Totten

In other Fort Totten news:

Ciy Councilman Tony Avella (D-Bayside) said the Fire Department should stop paving over grass at Fort Totten this week. But the fort's director of operations said he needs spaces because the department will lose existing parking this summer when the city implements its master plan for Fort Totten Park.

Fort Totten grass sparks blazing row

Photo from Queens Tribune


Anonymous said...

In a time when we as a nation face increased threats from terrorists it wise to close any of our military bases?

Maybe the whole of Fort Totten should be re-opened and ready to report for duty once again!

Parkland is one thing.....national security is another!

Anonymous said...

This is a weak showing. No additional comments? Nobody is concerned with issues of national security?

I guess, after all, it would be too embarrassing to keep a reserve center open with so few troops stationed there. (They're all in Iraq) in harm's way overstaying their tours of duty at the behest of our bumbling commander in chief)!

We need a significant portion of our reserve forces here and now. And we must properly support them for their valiant efforts on behalf of our country!

Anonymous said...

The original poster is incorrect in assuming that FT Totten will be closed down. Yes, the 77th RRC is moving to FT Dix, but there will be other units in the greater NYC area that will move in and occupy the space vacated by the 77th. The Army is closing their old reserve centers throughout the city and consolidating the men and equipment assigned to them. I know this because I am in one of those units.

Anonymous said...

Unless you are a high ranking military strategist (no offense intended) merely "being in one of those units" doesn't give you the overview necessary to determine what's good (in the long run) for issues concerning national security.

Anonymous said...

The Army presence on Fort Totten isn't going anywhere. Another reserve unit is coming into the facility on the post.

BTW, the post was closed back in the 1990s, as part of the 1995 Base Realignment And Closing (BRAC).

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