Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Doorman's cupboard goes bare

Eric wants you to know that his $28 has been spent.

Pol's hunger hard thing to stomach

Hungry And Frustrated, Lawmaker On Food Stamps Visits Food Pantry

QC would like to thank NY1 for the daily update on the Councilman's dietary intake. Perhaps Mr. Gioia and his fundraising wife could next do a stint as a supermarket manager and secretary and try to buy food for themselves and, let's say, 2 kids, pay rent, utility bills and college tuition on their salaries. While the councilman seems really into giving away free money to people who, for the most part, don't work, he seems not too concerned with how his hard-working middle class taxpaying constituents, who get no handouts, are struggling to make ends meet.

Photo from NY Daily News


Anonymous said...

Eric.........we're called "middle class" because we always wind up stuck in the middle without any aid!

Anonymous said...

You rock Crappie!

Anonymous said...

What a disgraceful publicity stunt by this do-nothing politician.

Anonymous said...

Do we really want Eric "OhBoyia" Gioia working for the middle class? As far as I'm concerned keep him busy with other wacko stunts so he is away from city hall. I'd send him to Somalia to experience their diet for a couple of years. Hey I'd even pay for his airfare.

Anonymous said...

Eric, I feel your pain... in my ass!

Anonymous said...

Eric: You broke my #1 cardinal rule...WHEN A CAMERA IS IN THE ROOM, DON'T LOOK DOWN!

Next time unpack the groceries AND look at the camera.

georgetheatheist said...

I'm surprised the Doorman has not yet performed the role of JC in a passion play.

[He'd look great with a crown of thorns and a loincloth.]

Anonymous said...

"National Food Stamp Challenge" What the heck is that . . .

I agree, this is a totally disgraceful stunt. He should be ashamed of himself - like common sense doesn't tell him $28/week in food stamps isn't going to go very far.

Anonymous said...

georgetheatheist said...
"...[He'd look great with a crown of thorns and a loincloth.]"

What would the loincloth hide? His neuticles?

Anonymous said...

Come on, let's give him the benefit of the doubt. The proof is in the pudding, let's see where he goes with this. According to NY1 he's going to DC tomorrow with a large group of hunger activists to lobby Congress.

Anonymous said...

Horse shit....Eric starve!

He secretly goes to mom's house for a good pasta chow down!

Frankly....I dont care if he steals a meal at the "69 Club"!

Stop insulting the needy!

Anonymous said...

What the hell is a "hunger activist"?

Just another grifter looking to glom on to our money and look sanctimonious during the scam.

And, like the typical politician he is, he already overspent the allocation. Big appetite, no budget, no discipline.

Like the rest of the poverty pimps, he wants the working earners to pay for anything demanded by the lazy grifters.

Anonymous said...

"to lobby Congress."

For what, to take more taxes from my family?

Why doesn't Team Gioia (i.e. the mysterious misses) go after donations from the rich Manhattan types he wants to hang out with?

Or are those monies earmarked to ensure his bright future that the Tribune tells us about.

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of money and power in being an insincere grifter for for the needy!

Eric knows where to put his lips!

David M. Quintana said...

Just so everyone knows this isn't an original idea of Eric's...four members of congress did the same thing...seems Eric saw a good idea for a photo-op and joined in...

I believe hunger is a real issue that shouldn't be trivialized by a publicity stunt...

The Bush Administration is projected to give the wealthiest 1 percent of the nation some $56.5 billion in tax breaks - we can do better as a nation than an average of $21 a week to ensure that our fellow Americans can have three decent meals a day...

Anonymous said...

I agree this was just a publicity stunt and nothing more. Shame on Eric Gioia for his bad acting. Like everything Councilmember Gioia involves himself with, nothing will materialize.

My mother was having a problem with noise and unruly people outside her apartment. Gioia's office did nothing for 14 months and even insulted her. She's now moving. My cousin has similar problems with his office.

The only thing we could hope for is that this despicable human being will move on to the private sector and discover that he is a no-talent creep.

Anonymous said...

David, I totally agree with you. BTW nice site "Lost in the Ozone..."

Everyone should expose councilman Gioia's playing to the press exploits. If he actually accomplished something I could overlook his shameless, silly and transparent stunts.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Magda Ortega: Eric is not a cop! Tell your mom to get used to life in the big city.

Anonymous said...

I'm sick of that idiot "sunnyside" too...he/she/it is always looking at the darkside of things.

Anonymous said...

Good Job! :)

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