Thursday, May 10, 2007

Doorman to live on $28 a week

No more costly cappuccinos for one Queens councilman.

Starting today, Councilman Eric Gioia (D-Queens) will live for one week on $28 for groceries - the average food stamp allotment for an individual - as part of a national push to increase the federal subsidies.

"The goal is to raise awareness about how difficult it is for so many New Yorkers to put food on their table," Gioia said.

Budgeting $1.30 a meal, Gioia plans to load up his cart with peanut butter, beans and "the cheapest bread I can find" at the local supermarket, Food Dynasty, he said.

"Often the cheapest food isn't the healthiest," he warned.

Thanks for the tip, Eric.

Queens pol tries to live on 28 bucks


verdi said...

Grandstanding again!

Who's going to be smuggling in his gourmet pizzas?

Anonymous said...

A publicity stunt.

Hey Eric, if you want to connect with the people, the real people, how about a town hall meeting with the folks in Hunters Point and listen to how their community is being destroyed by development?

How about stopping that racist Suna project and insist that 'affordable housing' be on site instead of out of site out of mind.

Anonymous said...

Food stamps are supposed to supplement your income, not be your income. If the people who got $28 are using that to cover their entire food bill, then they need to go out and get a job.

hooper said...


This morning 1010Wins reported that 65 Pl and Queens Blvd is the most dangerous intersection in the boro. This is your district, is it not?

This is the perfect chance for you to step up to the mics and cameras and make some noise and look like a man of the people. Geez, don't your PR people pick up on this kind of stuff? Maybe you should hire me instead?

Anonymous said...

Get a job? NOOOO!!! Then they can't be bought by the Democrats!

Anonymous said...

Eric must have had to go pretty far from his Highrise to find a grocery store cheap enough for this stunt.

Anonymous said...

Eric tried Fresh Direct first but they required a $40 minimum purchase for delivery. Eric immediately introduced legislation requiring Fresh Direct to lower their threshold for the Queensbridge projects.

Anonymous said...

I guess I'll be seeing him at Pathmark.

Anonymous said...

Eric, you are educated. I am educated. Most of the people on this board are educated.

Yet another push for yet another welfare state transfer payments program? You guys are like a broken record. Same refrain over and over again.

Now, where is the money coming from? Taxing the rich? No, that doesn't work.

Taxing the middle class? Now that's the ticket. Yet another example showing the clubhouse is foolishly picking a fight with the largest segment of American society.

Anonymous said...

Let's make this fun. How about posting examples of other publicity stunts for Team Gioia to experience what life is really like in his district.

Let me start by suggesting I give up my bedroom to him for a month. It overlooks an airshaft.

I want him to experience watching (and listenig to) new Americans celebrating their joy of living in this wonderful place with parties that extend to 5 AM on Fridays. I want him to hear their telephone (and answering machine) turned up full volume and placed right next to the window - and getting phone calls at 7 AM!

Anonymous said...

What a phony, patronizing and insulting (to the poor) PR stunt!

I don't care if Gioia eats the "one eyed worm"!

Go out and get a real job and stop living off the "Queens- Dem-Machine-Politico-Welfare" system!

Anonymous said...

How about this one?

I live near a Chucky Cheeze and a Mc Donalds. Some bright light put up a big shopping center a few years back. Doens't really help me, but I am certain that someone is better off.

Now, instead of cleaning my sidewalk every two or three days, I need to do it two or three times a day.

How about Team Gioia doing it for me for a month, then passing legislation for even more development.

Anonymous said...

My vote is for him to move on my block and handle my garbage and recycling.

There are so many people on my block with all the illegal conversins, and they do such a poor job of cleaning up with a dozen bags in front of each building, cans with no lids, that guess what? we have rats! lots of rats!

Add to this the recycling program that is suspended every time there is a three day weekend, and we have lots of garbage and lots of rats.

I want Eric to handle my garbage for a month and have the rats run by his feet.

That should be fun. It is for me.

Anonymous said...

I live in Hunters Point. Yes, you can guess where this is going.

I want Eric to live in my house.

After a tough evening of fund raising with the Manhattan crowd one evening, I want him to walk by the sidewalks cluttered with construction debris or trying to sleep with construction activity at all hours of the day and week.

After a hard day at passing street sign legislation at city council, I want him to sit and try to relax in my back yard (who needs sun and quiet when you have a noisy seven foot wall.)

The least he could do is try to repair my walls from all that illegal construction that is going on next door. I will even supply the spackle and paint.

Anonymous said...

I live in Hunters Point. Yes, you can guess where this is going.

I want Eric to live in my house.

After a tough evening of fund raising with the Manhattan crowd one evening, I want him to walk by the sidewalks cluttered with construction debris or trying to sleep with construction activity at all hours of the day and week.

After a hard day at passing street sign legislation at city council, I want him to sit and try to relax in my back yard (who needs sun and quiet when you have a noisy seven story wall.)

The least he could do is try to repair my walls from all that illegal construction that is going on next door. I will even supply the spackle and paint.

Anonymous said...

Once again the NY Daily News can be proud of its hard hitting reporter, Kathleen Lucadamo. Those questions were incisive, insightful and exposed Gioia's hypocricy.

Oh? She didn't ask any questions? Only the people on this Blog exposed his hypocricy?

Oh. You say she's just a trained stenographer? Not even a stenographer? Just used a tape recorder?

So, she's not really a reporter. Just someone on the Daily News' payroll so they don't have to admit they are the publishers of the pols' news releases?

Why can't the Daily News just tell us that? Oh. Lying to the readers is more fun. The grifter pols and the lying press; what a combo. I'll bet the voters always fall for that.

Anonymous said...

Hey taxpayer, you rock!

georgetheatheist said...

"Snap, crackle, and pop"?


"Snot, gurgle, and poop"!

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