Sunday, May 6, 2007

Catching up with Moses' biographer

The question trails Robert Caro like a fly, buzzing in his ear. Over and over, at cocktail parties and museum receptions in the past few years, he hears variations on the same query.

“Doesn’t New York need a new master builder?” people ask. “Don’t we need a new Robert Moses?"

Mr. Caro, 71, sits in his spare writer’s aerie high in a Midtown office building, an owlish man with a faint smile. His answer has the virtue of concision:

A Tale of Two Cities

Photo from NY Times


Anonymous said...

Yea, and I've heard people say what is needed is another Hitler, too.

The public needs to tell those who think they know what is good for us once and for all to sit down and shut up.

So perservation community, where the hell are you? Time to lead the public and capture their imagination.

Anonymous said...

You've got to first have imagination...... in order to capture the public's imagination!

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