Friday, April 6, 2007

This week's eminent domain digest

Willets Point:

Willets Point to be 'green neighborhood:' EDC

City wants to clear Willets Pt.

Sunnyside/Woodside LIRR:

Sweeping Changes Eyed For Railroad Overhaul

Downtown Jamaica:

Jamaica business owners sweat their future

City gives few answers on Jamaica rezone

Kosciuszko Bridge:

State Evaluates Six Kosciuszko Proposals

Bridge Plan Up For Public Approval

And an update on a scam:

Man charged in $1M Qns. home scam: DA

Photo from Queens Chronicle


Anonymous said...

Sunnyside in the news again? This time the threat is from the railroad instead of Mickeljohn?

Gee, where all those bums Onorato and company now? Here is a chance to fight for the people and try to improve the community for a change?

Gioia, oh Gioia? Can you tear yourself away from your bright future (and apartment at Queens West) and to what you were elected to do?

Anonymous said...

Interesting. The railroad in Sunnyside is not helping the residents, but hurting them.

The politicians?

MIA awaiting instructions from the clubhouse, we guess.

Anonymous said...

The city knows exactly what they are doing in Jamaica, but when you are dealing with people from Queens the policy is very simple.

Treat them like mushrooms.

Keep them in the dark, feed them shit, and when they stick their head up, cut it off.

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