Monday, April 9, 2007

Spiderman to make debut in Astoria

FH Guy sent in this tip:

Spider-Man 3, a Columbia Pictures film which opens in theaters worldwide on May 4, will celebrate the first-ever star-studded gala premiere in Queens, Peter Parker's hometown. Stars of the film, including Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst, will land in New York, their final destination after an eight-city international tour and join a crowd of 3,000 people at the UA Kaufman Astoria 14 in downtown Astoria on Monday, April 30th. With a marching band leading the stars to the "black carpet" and local fans lining the streets, this spectacular premiere will be one of several events throughout the festival, celebrating "Spider-Man Week in NYC," presented by Columbia Pictures and NYC & Company. For more information on Spider-Man Week NYC activities, please visit

More info here: Spider-Man 3 Premiere to Take Place in Queens

Photo from Spiderman 3's official site.


georgetheatheist said...

Who gives a s___t?

Anonymous said...

Apparently FH guy does.

Anonymous said...

My "Spidey" sense says....this is news???

We need this kind of star-studded turn out from outraged constituents when the real estate industry, the Famiglia Vallone etc. try to f--k us up the nose with upzoning!

Anonymous said...

What the hell is 'down town' Astoria.

Its Long Island City.

Anonymous said...

Lighten up a little, people.

I think it's a great thing for Queens that the U.S. premiere will take place here. It gives some positive attention to our borough, which in my book is always a good thing.

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