Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Queens of the gridiron

Queens County has its own female football team called the NY Sharks. We came across these old videos where they were being congratulated by elected officials:


Anonymous said...

I am so happy that she finds time for a women's football team.

Is she involved in women's basketball, roller derby, and perhaps the Dina Shore golf tournament, too?

Anonymous said...

hey you found some use for council members katz and gallagher. they could go around the country giving proclamations to women football teams. that's all they are good for and we could get rid of them sooner.

Anonymous said...

did gallagher hit-on one of the players?

Anonymous said...

Katz said that Gallagher was the contact person to the Sharks. I wonder if the team visited his den of inequity on Metropolitan Avenue?

georgetheatheist said...

Whadyaknow?! Katz in a skirt!

Anonymous said...

Did Gifford Miller recently reappoint himself as Speaker of the City Council? Nah. I think it’s the Queens Crap digging up old crap from 3 years ago just to fill space. Is there no limit to your bull$hit? C’mon, do some work and keep to current events and be creative to mask your transparent vendettas. I have faith in you.

Anonymous said...

Don't think it is QC's vendetta, more like the overwhelming disgust from the constituents of the King and Queen of crap.

I was at a benefit over the weekend where Gallagher showed up. There were prob. over 300 ppl in the room when Pinky took the mike to say a few words. About 10 people clapped. That pretty much sums it up for you.

Thank god for term limits, but we need the recall too.

Anonymous said...

Funny how Crappy finds a news bit where Pinky was doing something remotely positive (couldn't be easy to find since Dennis has been working so hard to disgrace himself lately) and STILL people complain....

Anonymous said...

I thought the point here was to show people something positive happening in Queens (the Sharks) just like the flower pictures
and all that other fluff that I don't know why QC bothers with. I thought this was a blog for pissed off people like me)

Crappy, stop being nice!

Anonymous said...

I agree, stop with the nice stuff, the spring photographs and the awards ceremony and get back to exposing the crap and corruption.

Queens Crapper said...

This was a post about a female football team from Queens that most people never knew existed. I don't understand where the word "vendetta" fits in...

And when exactly did I stop exposing crap and corruption? There were several posts today which did just that. Chill out!

Anonymous said...

please stop mixing flowers with crap, you're stinking up the site.

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