Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Pink prankster strikes again

Something very interesting happened to the Crapper recently (besides having to wade through knee-high water this past weekend). I found myself being contacted by three local papers all wanting to do a story on this blog.

First I said to myself, "Hmmm...that NY1 story must have caused some waves." Then I realized what was really going on. You see, dear readers, I received a tip that the reporters didn't want to do a story on what this blog is about. They really want to promote a new blog that "counters" Queens Crap.

If the counterblog was a pro-development site, I would say that it's no surprise that the local weeklies want to pump up the real estate industry, so bring it on and let's have fun with it. But the counterblog all of them mysteriously want to compare and contrast this site with is not about being pro development. Instead, it is a giant rant against anyone that has dared to speak out against a certain councilman from district 30. The posts echo his insane ideas about everything and even include derogatory photoshops of private citizens that he is at war with (imitation is the sincerest form of flattery).

Could it be that Pinky is using his taxpayer-funded time to blog? Is he spending some of that campaign money he raised to hire someone to do it for him and then writing it off as a campaign expense? The site is full of unsubstantiated charges of bigotry and thievery against private individuals, all of whom have spoken out against Dennis Gallagher at one time or another. Comments are moderated but somehow anonymous threats of physical harm against Pinky's constituents who have fallen out of his favor manage to slip through.

The site had been up and active for about 2 weeks. There was no contact information on the blog except for an almost hidden e-mail address at which to reach the blog author. So how did these papers all pick up on this new blog and then simultaneously have the same idea to write stories on it?

Those who saw the NY1 story commented how it was great to see young people involved in the battle against overdevelopment. We may be young but we weren't born yesterday. The Crapper understands exactly what is going on here and doesn't want to be included in any "comparison" article. We can't wait to see which papers go forward with promoting the pink prankster's sick agenda.

We had planned to really rip the jester a new one in this post, but thankfully a group of his victims already did an excellent job of it, and now we don't have to. Kudos to them.


Anonymous said...

I just recently attended a performance of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and was greatly disappointed not to see Queens own prancing "Pink" Elephant doing his act!

C'mon Dennis....you'd look great in the center ring pulling a cart full of your developer friends. Maybe Melinda Katz could even ride bare-back!

Anonymous said...

Whoa!! Take it ez Crappy!! I am a fan of both Blogs and i see the same CRAP from both sides.. Give credit where credit is do. (Sorry, I can't spell.)

It's great to see those with an opposing view get their voice heard! Isnt that great Crappy??

Love, Dennis

Anonymous said...

Dennis?????.......(Gallagher????) nah...... you must be joking!

That was a good one!

Anonymous said...

"Pinky" doesn't get up this early....he's still sleeping it off!

Anonymous said...

Pinky, everything you do now is known by everybody within seconds. There's no more secrecy.

Do you have any idea at all who is telling us what's your next move?

You just don't get it? Do you? Nobody likes you at all. Every little thing you do is relayed to us. But, your real worry should be: What are your "friends" telling the investigators?

Have another drink. The end is near.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else smell Parkside behind this?

Anonymous said...

I need to stop eating my cheerios while reading this site. I almost choked when I saw pinky the jester this time! Hilarious is the photo, sad is the subject matter.

Anonymous said...


Add this as another mistake by the devious Councilman Dennis Gallagher. The idiot doesn't recognize that he is in quicksand. He keeps fighting, but fortunately for his constituents the more he fights, the more he sinks. Bye bye Den Den.

Anonymous said...

You guys seem ill at ease, say it aint so.

Anonymous said...

This is what a person does when his numbers are over 500.

Anonymous said...

"I think you gotta look between 35 and 50 [thousand dollars] from him," said the (crooked buildings) consultant (to Dennis Gallagher).

"Huh. That would be great," responded Gallagher.

Danger Below

Anonymous said...

Are you sure that case in Manhattan is closed?

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading that civic article. Holy crap, this guy is off the friggin' wall! Sending his thugs out to sue people, threatening their finances, mailing out flyers to their neighbors and now using council computers to write nasty blogs about his constituents. How is this guy able to look in the mirror in the morning. Hell, even without doing those things how is he able to look at his ugly face in the mirror?

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Gallagher:

Congratulations you have been awarded a "vacation for four" to Disney World in Florida. Your trip is worth over $3300.

Thanks for helping us to corrupt the New York City Department of Buildings process.

Your Friend,

Anonymous said...

Dear Dennis Gallagher,

The Feds are after me, take $10,000 now and they'll be more later when this shit blows over.


Anonymous said...

Dear Dennis,

Tanks for puttin me on da commutity bored. Dont woory about my past. I wuz never convicted or found guity of sellin drugs.

Can I get you somethin?

Anonymous said...

Q. Which of the following have happened to JPCA members who dared to speak out against the abuse of power by Councilman Dennis P. Gallagher?

A) Lies about them were spread throughout the community
B) Bogus complaints about their home were called in to the Department of Buildings
C) They were thrown off the community board
D) They were sued by one of his cronies for $1 million
E) The councilman showed up at their house unexpectedly
F) An attempt was made to take away their livelihood
G) All of the above

If you answered G - “all of the above,” you’d be 100% correct!

WOW! If I missed the name Gallagher I would have sworn they were talking STAVISKY! Oh well, same crap, different pig.

Anonymous said...

The common ground here is Parkside.

Anonymous said...

You mean to tell me that respected newspapers have fallen for this? Did they not read the content of that other blog? Unbelievable that they would want to be associated with a blog that promotes the libel of private citizens.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Crapper, you should be happy over this. Your message must be hitting hard if someone feels the need to market their stupid rantings as something which offers an "alternative" to this blog. THEY'RE QUAKING IN THEIR BOOTS AND IT SHOWS!!!

Anonymous said...

It is rather coincidental that three other local newspapers want to write a comparison between the two blogs considering the Queens Ledger already did it last week...No wonder the local weeklies suck if they're following that rag's lead.

hooper said...

"You mean to tell me that respected newspapers have fallen for this? Did they not read the content of that other blog? Unbelievable that they would want to be associated with a blog that promotes the libel of private citizens"

Where did you get the "respected" from? None of these papers are respected by anyone except their advertisers, including the political hacks who publish their holiday greetings there.

Anonymous said...

Sir Valance said...
Does anyone else smell Parkside behind this?

Isn't Pinky the only one who can smell Parkside's behind?

Anonymous said...

Hey shitbag-face Senator Toby Stavisky....glad to see you're watching! How's your blood pressure....and your "Parkside" son Evan's!

I hope he hires dirtbag Dennis Gallagher. He fits right in there.

You too Mayor Boob-bug! Do you like what the citizens are saying when they're not muffled by the puppet press?

georgetheatheist said...

"Respected newspapers"...?

Are you kidding? A front page story about a Pizzeria appearing on the Rachel Ray show?

These rags all write about the same thing!...They just rearrange the typesetting and blow-up or shrink the photos...Most of them are indeed garbage but the chutzpah goes to Steve Blank who charges 50 cents for the same old swill!...(BTW will there be a Pimp War between Blank and Schenkler? Hey Mike, Steve is running whore ads now as well!)

Anonymous said...

One thing is different Dennis. We can see you. uh oh!

Anonymous said...

Hey darling George: why knock Schenkler? He gives me a 30% discount off my ad in the Trib. He respects us for our beauty. Melinda knows this all too well. Hey nobody's perfect.

See me ad in this week's Trib on newstands now!

Anonymous said...

Juuuuuust sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
a tale of a fateful divide
that started on a tiny street
and went county-wide

The pol was little weasel,
the volunteers straight & true
what happened after they got through
Dennis lied and cried

So sit right there and wait as the men in blue close in...
on Gall-a-gher, the stripper too, the drug dealing lowlife, the porno star and the rest are here on Gallagher's Riker's Island.

Anonymous said...

In June, the Village Voice published an article about wiretapped conversations between Gallagher, Ognibene, and Ron Lattanzio, a CROOKED construction consultant who is at the center of a District Attorney investigation of the buildings department.

DETECTIVE HEARD Lattanzio offer Ognibene and Gallagher trips to Vermont and Disney World, and they discussed how to get a friend of Lattanzio hired in a prominent position in the city's buildings department.

Lattanzio testified in court that he did provide the gifts. GALLAGHER DID BRING HIS FAMILY TO DISNEY WORLD AFTER THAT.

Asked to comment on the allegations, Gallagher says, "I don't feel that there is anything to comment on. People who know me and Tom in this community know what kind of people we are."



Anonymous said...

In June, the Village Voice published an article about wiretapped conversations between Gallagher, Ognibene, and Ron Lattanzio, a CROOKED construction consultant who is at the center of a District Attorney investigation of the buildings department.

DETECTIVE HEARD Lattanzio offer Ognibene and Gallagher trips to Vermont and Disney World, and they discussed how to get a friend of Lattanzio hired in a prominent position in the city's buildings department.

Lattanzio testified in court that he did provide the gifts. GALLAGHER DID BRING HIS FAMILY TO DISNEY WORLD AFTER THAT.

Asked to comment on the allegations, Gallagher says, "I don't feel that there is anything to comment on. People who know me and Tom in this community know what kind of people we are."


Gallagher's Dirty Deeds

Anonymous said...

It's not too late Dennis...."SAVE ST. SAVIOUR'S"

All you had to do was protect an important part of Maspeth's historic past but you turned your back on us and chose to suck up to Mas. Fed. Bank and your developer cronies!

Now sit back and enjoy the firestorm you've brought down upon yourself!


Maybe you and Mc Laughlin can become asshole buddies in prison! (Which one of you is going to be the '"girly") ?

Anonymous said...

Man that's one scary image. What a nightmare!

Anonymous said...

Poor Dennis must know that the feds and the DA have the good on him. This seems like a last desperate swipe at the people who he feels threatened by.

Anonymous said...

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
a tale of a fateful flap...
That started from this tiny street,
and caused all kinds of crap.

Jake was a mighty stutterer,
the stripper skanky and abused,
Five staff members paid bail next day, for a three hour whore, a three hour whore…

The pressure started getting rough,
the neighborhood was crossed.
If not for the courage of one fearless crewman,
the community would be lost; the community would be lost.

The councilshit was found on the whore in this ungodly council office,
with Gallagher, the Stripper too, the Mechanic, and his wife,
the Porno Star, the phony runt,
here on Gallagher's Pile.

Anonymous said...

Terminology used by the youth of today to describe someone who uses force to obtain his or her objective. Not necessarily the correct way of doing things, but
effective to devious, corrupt individuals who want to prove their power to other corrupt people. A so called "Head trip...
Case in point, Councilman Dennis Gallagher. The only thing that links him and the word Honorable on the same line is the title he holds for the moment. Someone who puts personal gain over the needs & wants of a community could never even be considered Honorable. Anyone in the past had to earn this title, and rightfully so. Not Gallagher. The title comes automatically when elected into office as Councilman. Fortunate for him he didn't have to do it the old fashioned way ...earn it! Also fortunate that the people didn't have the right to decide if he should get a pay raise because needless to say he wouldn't have. Point of this is that the council position has to be revisited and corrected in order for it to properly serve the people the right way. When an elected official has the right to not reappoint someone to the community board on their whim of the moment, give himself a pay raise, accept contributions from people who are looking for zoning favors in the neighborhood they are supposed to protect, and give out our tax dollars to whom he sees fit and side step ones that don't cower to the councilman but do good for the neighborhood, and ride on the coat tails of all that do good just to get his name publicized, something is drastically wrong! Like vermin bred in a dish, people like Gallagher are bred politicians that look out for what benefits them and not the people. Shame, that the effort he uses to sell out our neighborhood is not used to save it. Now don't start saying he gives money here & there and proclamations around, because that is nothing compared to what we would have if he did his real job. Proactive.....something he doesn't know because he is just Reactive when its too late, example. Neidersteins. Gallagher from day one in every situation in our town threw his hands up (and out) and said it couldn't be done...example. the elmhurst gas tank site. If it wasn't perserverance by the people not the politician, it would have just been another home depot and donation to the coffer of the councilman. He loves petitions because he beams how he can update his mailing list to show off how wonderful he is doing (not). Despicable but true. Money is the root and Gallagher is the Weed. Thankfully, if all else fails, we will only have him for 3 more years. Then he will try to reach in his dish and pull another vermin out to have it continue. Hopefully by then, people will be more informed on what we should be looking for in a representative. Not mirrors and smoke, photos & proclamations, falsehood & deceit, but someone who represents the people and the neighborhood and not their own interests. So, to give a title that is deserved, "Gangsta Gallagher" is appropriate. He earned it. God Bless America. Vaya con dios.

Anonymous said...

Pinky, next bribe you take, use the money to buy a personality. Some shoe lifts would also help.

Very soon, you will be out of the game forever. Forever.

Use these remaining 3 years to develop into a man. Develop into someone who is trusted and respected - not by lickspittle drinking buddies - by uncorrupted members of this community.

You really have it in you to be a real man. Don't let your drinking buddies keep treating you like just one more stupid little elf. (That's what they all call you, you know.)

Anonymous said...

• Dennis P. Gallagher keeps paying off a staff member he’s been abusing, she should leave immediately since she is basically a good person and you hate to see her caught up in this.

• So many people have seen his illegal and immoral activities and many will give him up in a heartbeat.

• He keeps telling them that nothing will happen except it is already too late. Look at him, he’s a walking barometer of deceit. The more pink he gets the more lying he's doing.

• His office has been used for everything, so much so, even Bubba would be jealous. Shockingly, the guy shits where he eats.

• His old boss still calls him Duplicitous Dennis. “When you have been lying your entire life it becomes like breathing.” "He always underestimates the intelligence of his friends and enemies." “He loses track of his lies and when he gets caught he adamantly questions your memory and denies everything.”

• He is a good con artist to the gullible. His "friends" eventually become his victims. The extremely dumb ones catch on very late. This is evident by the people who are still with him.

• Yes there is a God. Gallagher has already been punished for his reckless life. His maladies are so extensive that it would take too much space on this blog to list.

• Sadly, there's more but the pure evil of this man is giving me the chills.

Anonymous said...

"he’s a walking barometer of deceit"


Anonymous said...

anybody see Gabe?

Anonymous said...

who do you think is writing his stuff?

Anonymous said...

oh, that explains the poor grammar.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was the Divine Miss M.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Gallagher & McLauglin???
First we have Katz & Hevesi,
then its Crowley & McLaughlin, &
now its Gallagher & McLauglin.
Where is the ethics Committee??
No wonder Gallagher is Pink....
He's a PIG!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Comrade Dennis,

Thanks for giving me all those great awards. I'm adding a wing on my house as my Great American Award room.

I know that I can count on you to help stop those vicious and meanspirited attacks on me and Maspeth Federal by those little people.

Everyone knows when it comes to saving St. Saviour's or making a buck, as a bank we of course must chose the almighty dollar. What's wrong with these people?

Even though we are a business and have made millions this year alone, you understand that we should not allow any form of dissent in our community. After all we tell people what they should think and do in this town. You of course are the master at that.

I like your idea of wearing American flag ties and I have ordered them for my staff. I will give you a bunch for yours. That's the best way to show that we are Americans.

I'm also going to dye my hair red, white and blue for the parade this year.

I'm preparing a brick in your name for the Maspeth Walk of Honor right next to mom and dad. My aunt, uncle and kids will be added this year too.

You and I are great Americans, we should not allow the constitutional right of free speech to people who disagree with us.

Please keep those awards coming. I'm going to honor you with the "MFS Bill Clinton Award" next year at our American Day party.

All of this fits right in with our agenda of wrapping ourselves in the flag. We know we are great Americans and we must show everyone else that too.

Keep up your noble war against those insignificant trouble makers. Anyone who actualy volunteers that much time for the community must have a screw loose.

You are a great American... me too.

Maspeth is America
and so am I.

Love, your Ken doll.

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Federal Savings is America!
And so am I.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone verify the rumor that the Queens Republican Party is about to expel Gallagher for what his notoriety and corruption are contributing to the reputation of the Queens GOP?

Where do we write or call to express support for Gallagher’s expulsion?

Anonymous said...

Did I say I'm a proud American. Also America is Maspeth. No I have it backwards, wait. Maspeth is America. And so am I.

Got it.

Anonymous said...

Did I say I'm a proud American? Don't forget. That's me, Mr. Stars & Stripes.
When you think of a patriot, that's me. 100% USA.

Anonymous said...

Dear Dennis,

Like you, I'm 100% American because I say so. I fly an American Flag on a flagpole outside my house. At Xmas time I have an American flag made out of lights. When my back is to the wall I stand on my soapbox and wave the flag.

I wear an American flag on my lapel and I even have an American flag matching handkerchief and boxer shorts that I got on my 70th birthday.

I have proven I'm a real American even though I have no idea or knowledge of current events, issues or what's important. Just point me in the right direction and tell me what I should do.

I’m a *Ken Doll
(Available in 99¢ Stores starting May 2007.)

* Not anatomically correct, Ken Dolls can be dangerous and are not what they appear to be. Ken Dolls are 100% fragile plastic made in the Soviet Union.

(Gangster Ken Dolls coming September 2007)

Anonymous said...

I got another letter from Gallagher a few days ago. He is telling us he is a good person and has been unfairly attacked by the Juniper Valley Park civic group. I don't understand any of it.

Anonymous said...

Council Member Dennis Gallagher is going everywhere complaining about what the mean people at the Juniper Valley Park Civic Association are doing to him. This shows you what he is made of.

I also received a poorly written letter from Gallagher last week. I'm proud to be a member of Juniper Park. They stand up and fight against the problems in the community and yes are not afraid of vindictive politicians.

I called Gallagher's office several times in the last couple of years and everytime the same result, nothing was ever done. They could not even return my phone call.

Mr. Gallagher: Shame on You. I will never vote for you again or anyone associated with you for that matter.

Anonymous said...

Is this blog for insiders? I don't get most of it.

Anonymous said...

They’re creepy and they're kinky,
duplicitous and stinky,
They’re all together with Pinky,
The Gallagher Office Family.

They run a corruption museum.
Where people come to see 'em
We can't help but screa-um.
The Gallagher Office Family.



A freak

So get the devil's horns on.
A lobbyist to crawl on.
Investigators will call on
The Gallagher Office Family.

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da

Anonymous said...

Hey Drago you freak, get off this blog!

Anonymous said...


I can't take any more pressure. So I'm out of here.

Next time yo see me, I'll be on the witless stand.

Your Boy,


Anonymous said...

Councilman Dennis Gallagher can't hold a candle to Councilman Tony Avella. It's great that Pinky is so paranoid that he has actually had one of his bobbleheads start a counter-site. Unfortunately, for him the site really sucks. Between the attacks on Gallagher's constituents, which is what the blog was set up to do, are cut-and-paste articles from Wikipedia about the Mets. Wow, now that's talent! It's great that big brother is monitoring this site because it shows what an impact you are making at City Hall.

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