Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Pass the syrup, Melinda

We're sitting at the edge of our seats waiting to see what her royal highness, the Chair of the Land Abuse Committee (and the Queen of Queens Crap) does next:

City Council Continues to Waffle on Underground Railroad Safehouses

In a stunning move of extreme waffling, the office of Melinda Katz has rescheduled the public hearing on Duffield Street from April 11 to May 1. Or maybe it will be April 17, but we won't know for sure until a few days before the meeting.

In their messy attempt to help squelch any further exploration of this history, the City Council has in the space of about three weeks rescheduled the public hearing on this three times.

The city doesn't want to preserve the Underground Railroad. Underground apartments are a different story, however.

The photo above is from Curbed, and they have more coverage of this story:

Will Brooklyn Parking Trump Underground Railroad Houses?


Anonymous said...

I'd like to see Queenie vote against slave relics. Oh, please do it, Melinda!

Anonymous said...

AKRF is saying that these homes were not associated with the Underground Railroad, eh? Well they said St. Saviour's has no archaeological potential, either, and LPC and SHPO proved them wrong.

Anonymous said...

Melinda will, indeed, vote against slave relics.

She and so many other council members are deep seated bigots, determined to never permit any recognition of religious or minority related sites.

If some developer wants a property, and has the money to pay Katz and her fellow grubbers, bet on no preservation or landmarking efforts.

Anonymous said...

Whose Melinda '"canoodling" with these days?

Perhaps it's a 12 inch roll of "Ben Franklins"?

Only the sell-out Queen knows for sure!

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