Wednesday, April 11, 2007

NY1 features Queens Crap

Read or watch the report here:

Some Queens Residents Turn To Cyberspace To Gripe About Development

Thanks, Ruschell!

For those of you visiting Queens Crap for the first time after seeing NY1's report, welcome. If you are aware of a location in Queens that should be featured on this site, please write to us with the address, provide a description of the problem, and include a photo, if possible. We'll post it for you. A picture is worth a thousand words, and Queens Crap is worth more than a thousand hits a day! All people who submit info have remained, and will continue to remain, completely anonymous.

Thank you to everyone who has made this site the success that it is in such a short period of time. We couldn't have done it without you!

Screenshot from NY1


Unknown said...

Congratulations.... Thanks for giving the little man a voice! Keep up the good work!!

georgetheatheist said...

#1...Crapper, I love the elegant wood panelling on your walls and the exquisite plastic covering the table!

#2...Mara Einstein, you free this Saturday night?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the wonderful segment on NY1. It's nice to know that our young people are taking an interest in preserving Queens.

Anonymous said...

Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Hurrah!!! Hats off to QC! The voice of "the real people!"

Anonymous said...

I emailed Inside City Hall's producer about this blog more than a month ago. Should any council member visit his show, he can find plenty of dirt on that member through Queens Crap.

Queens Crapper said...

Hey George, that was not filmed at my house!

Anonymous said...

Very nice report on NY1. I'm very proud of all of you at Queens Crap. You are doing such a wonderful job. I didn't know you were so young.

To George the Atheist: Did you ever get a chance to see my revealing ad in the Queens Tribune? When can we meet?

georgetheatheist said...

Trixie, it's useless. Schenkler has "droit de seigneur" with all the hos in his rag.

Anonymous said...

I missed the New York1 report on TV but watched it online. Great going, you kids are the biggest thing to hit Queens since the 1964 World's Fair. Keep up the great stories.

Anonymous said...

Hey Crapper, BP Helen Marshall is even logging on to Queens Crap. Now you know that you are making some waves. Can I interest you in t-shirts? Can get them for you cheap.

Anonymous said...

NY1 reporter, Ruschell Boone, did a magnificent job. Great idea and angle for the story. Nice to see representatives of the younger generation fighting to preserve Queens County. Keep fighting and don't get discouraged. Keep your eye on the politics of this borough, that's where you are having the greatest impact.

Anonymous said...

Thank you NY1 and thank you very much Queens Crap for caring so much about Queens.

Anonymous said...

Queens Crap 1 Politicos 0

Anonymous said...

To the most popular blog in Queens County: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe we can get Crappy to throw out the first ball at Shea. I can just see Mr. Met hanging out with Crappy in the Diamond Club getting plastered then starting a fight in a lousy Shea men's room when some idiot Yankee fan tries to sit on Crappy's throne. Beat the crap out of him Crappy!

Anonymous said...

“Someone can say whatever they want to say and there's no way to validate that information and so you have to bear that in mind that the person giving you this information has a particular point of view and that the information they are presenting may or may not be supported by the facts"

Sounds like they are talking about the newspapers and the clubhouse, now doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

found out about u guys from ny1. good and powerful writing, thanks for the sounding board.

Anonymous said...

QUESTION!! Is there a FAQ or "about this blog" section here? I couldn't find one.

I'm fascinated by your site.

I moved to Queens as a teenager back in 1985 - to a prewar apt that my mother'd inherited from my grammy in Jackson Heights. I remember the drive from JFK and weeping quietly to myself, because I thought Queens was the ugliest place I'd ever seen. All those six-story boxes with fire escapes. The ugly was grim and unrelenting. I was in shock that this was my new home.

Then I went away to college, law school, traveled the world, bought a co-op in Manhattan. For a lot of that time, part of me was running away from my roots in Queens. A buried sense of shame. So melodramatic, I know, but true. People would ask me where I was from - I'd say "Miami" which is where I lived from birth to age 14 - even though my family had long left Florida.

Now I'm back in Queens because of a family illness. But in the past year, I've developed a new and deeper appreciation for Queens. To me, it's still ugly as a scab, but aesthetics isn't the point of this borough. It's got other strengths which I won't add to my ramble here. And now, I'm kind of embracing the ugly of it all.

QUESTION!! So, are you guys mostly opposed to recent development in Queens or does your disgust go back to buildings from decades past?

The loss of green space is to be mourned, I agree. But to me, even older planned communities like the garden apts of Sunnyside and Jackson Heights aren't aesthetically pleasing. Yes, in comparison to their post war six-story cousins all over central and western Queens, they're better-looking. But in comparison to the rest of the planet ... yeah, even those "nice" parts aren't "pretty" to me.

Anonymous said...

It is funny how the conversation is 'directed' to development.

Guys, the development issues of Queens is a symptom of a bigger problem: it is a result of how poorly this borough is governed by a small clique of second stringers that have figured out the system, devised ways to make it work for them as they simultaneously disenfranchise anyone else's real participation over their future.

It is about how people have placed their trust in institutions, from elected officials, to civic groups to the media, and have been deceived.

This is NOT about development. It IS about poor government and the betrayal of the American public.

Anonymous said...

Kudos on the coverage Crapper!

KRM said...

WOW!! Good Work, you are certainly at the top of the blogs I check daily :-) Thanks for the outlet

Anonymous said...

Throughout history there have been many examples of the destructive or senseless use of political power. This has happened most frequently when too much power has been concentrated in too few hands, without enough room for political debate, public criticism, and other types of correctives. Examples of such regimes are despotism, tyranny, dictatorship and pinkyism aka Gallagherism.

To counter these potential problems, people have devised and practiced different solutions. One solution is QUEENS CRAP.

Anonymous said...

The plastic table covering is really exquisite on the NY1 story. Although the decor didn't look like that of young people. Do you guys in QC live with your parents?

I once made a see-thru dress out of the same material and it was a big hit at the Queens Tribune and especially with Schenkler.

Check out my ad in the Trib!

Anonymous said...

NY1 & QC Rules said...

NY1 reporter Ruschell Boone should go national. She's by far the best local TV reporter at finding interesting stories. She's always the one that manages to find the real Queens. I met her once when she was doing a story years ago when she was using her maiden name, West. She’s one classy woman, very down-to-earth and likeable, a trait that’s often missing in the cutthroat business of TV news. She genuinely cares about the issues and making a difference.

Great story for Queens Crap too and well deserved. It's amazing to see your dedication in seeking out overdevelopment nightmares and political corruption. Although your efforts will never be officially recognized by politicians who will gang up against you, the hardworking middle class residents of Queens will forever be grateful. Keep up the great work QC!!!!!!!

fiscus1 said...

I'm 55 years old and a lifelong resident of Queens. The deterioration of this borough over the years is just astounding. Thank you for providing a place to publicly expose what is happening.

Anonymous said...

I'm 38 years old and have lived in Kew Gardens Hills for 7 years. There are so many illegal apartments in my neighborhood that almost overnight it has turned into a sewer. Garbage day is a complete mess. I'm ashamed when my friends and relatives visit me from out of state. Can't wait to get out.

Thanks for this blog Queens Crap, at least now I know that it is not just me who is disgusted and outraged.

Anonymous said...

discovered you from NY1 story, thanks for exposing the second ugliest county on the planet. blame the politicians who have totally sold us out.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I don't usually blog, just like to read what people are saying. Thanks to NY1 for taking a chance and doing the story on Queens Crap. Never expected that they could even mention "crap" on TV but then again a lot of words are becoming acceptable that were at one time taboo.

The last few days have been interesting reading about the politics and gripes about the out of control construction in our borough.

You have renewed my faith that some in the younger generation will carry on the fight of preservation in Queens.

Bravo QC!

Anonymous said...

Keep on kicking ass!

Sooner or later a crooked poitician's butt will be on the end of your shoe!

Expose those Termites to the sunlight Crapper!


Anonymous said...

This venue is, perhaps, the only investigative reporting left around.

You can't count on the weeklies like the Courier.....too busy with "Bay Club" wedding plans and light weight features!

Isn't it time for Vickie to retire! She should....she's past it!

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