Saturday, April 7, 2007

LPC agenda does not include Queens

"Robert Tierney, the landmarks commission chairman, says the disparity between Manhattan and the outer boroughs bothers him."

And it shows.

The Crapper looks forward to bringing you a weekly report of how the LPC represents the landmarking interests of the whole city via their published agendas.

Quote from Village Voice article "Save the 'Burbs!"


Anonymous said...


Will the Trylon Theater, Saint Saviour's Church, Hackett Building, Simonson's, & countless other potential landmarks ever mean anything to you? You claim you wish to clear up any misunderstandings between your Manhattan-centric actions & the outer boroughs. Hmmm....

Just because Queens is towards the end of the alphabet doesn't mean it deserves the same treatment. Where shall we "move" these landmarks for you to make them official? Let's guess... in front of the Municipal Bldg or Bloomie's landmarked townhouse? Then will they stand out?

The scheduled designation hearing day doesn't occur that often. In case you forgot, it's when the greatest number of properties are considered. SHAME ON YOU & YOUR SIDEKICK MARY BETH BETTS!!! You certainly won't be forgotten.

- The Goodheart of Queens

Anonymous said...

As far as LPC seems to be concerned , there never was a consolidation of NYC (1898, I believe) into Greater New York!

NYC to them is still only Manhattan!

Those bunch of "tookas lekker" parochial "momzas"!
(A quote from my Yiddisha bubbie).

Anonymous said...

Guys, the LPC is just a microcism of the attitutes of the city-wide preservation community. How many complaints about this do you see from the preservation community?

Was this issue examined by any important preservation gathering in the past year?

Maybe there should be some demands for more inclusiveness and programs put in place to educate and encourage the public in the outer boroughs.


Anonymous said...

If you actually look at the LPC agenda, you'll see hearings on eight Staten Island items.

hooper said...

Those are "certificates of appropriateness" for work on already existing landmarks. Not new landmarks.

Anonymous said...

Well, where is the Queens leadership in preservation? If they are not draping themselves over some wine and cheese display, hunting down buck$, or fighting for their tiny piece of turf, are they attacking the lackluster support from the city wide preservation community? lackluster support from the Queens reps on the landmarks commission? the institutionalized misinformation machine run by the newspapers and clubhouse? the lack of public education on preservation?

Until they do, nothing, absolutly nothing will change. Period.

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