Sunday, April 8, 2007

House giveaway on LI

Now here's an interesting proposition for anyone with an empty lot near Glen Head, Long Island and $90,000 in spare cash:

Free House on Long Island? Yes, There's a Catch

Free house attracts plenty of bidders

Manhattan restaurateur Tony Spiridigliozzi bought the house last July for $820,000 but decided he wanted to tear it down and build new. His real estate agents -- Brix and Cliff and Stella Hetzer -- talked him into giving the house away.

If it works, the plan would save one of the oldest houses on Townsend Street, two blocks of modest homes built two or three generations ago.

It's too bad people in Queens never do this.

Photo from Newsday


Anonymous said...

This is bull.
I know this property. He doest want to pay the demolition and carting company.
Many do this now but I have yet to see one old house moved on wheels in the past 10 years.

I did see a 40 foot tall Duck compleate with beek and eyeballs rolling down Flanders road on morning. I was sleeping in my van after late night party dam thing scaired the hell out of me.

Queens Crapper said...

It was done in Staten Island 2 years ago:

Landmarks Preservation Commission Designates Seaman Cottage

Anonymous said...

Good idea but here's the catch. It took $35,000 just to hire a project expediter when the historic and landmarked Latimer House in Flushing was moved years back.

The developer donated the house which was moved from Holly Ave. to its current location

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know this guy? As a resident of the area I feel like the spread of such "crap" is now heading into Nassau county. It started in Queens and Suffolk County (eating up farmland) and a perfectly quiet neighborhood...idiots are destroying historic homes to build mini mansions that do not fit the historic area. I am all for building your own house...but why ruin a perfectly great home....everything is new...remodeled to to fit the home? And why again are the residents confused and saddened by the huge home going up in a very modest neighborhood. We are all middle class families living in very modest home. The surrounding areas (Old Brookville, Locust Valley and Old Westbury) are where these home should be! Where is the outrage?

Anonymous said...

I live a couple of doors away from this property; here's my story. When Tony S. first bought this property, he sent in a crew to cut down a bunch of 100 year old pine trees. He then has the balls to claim in a Newsday article that"I'm a builder, not a destroyer". Well Tony, nice job on the trees. The old growth trees on Townsend St. are the hallmark feature of the block. Then he embarks on this ridiculous publicity stunt to give the house away, despite the fact that he'd have to cut down half the trees on Townsend St. to get it off the block. Now he wants to build a McMansion on a lot that is barely 1/3 of an acre. I agree; Tony, find an acre or better plot in Old Brookville, and build anything you want. Despite the fact that he has only one child, we have to look at a monstrosity so that he can have his extended family over for dinner on Sunday. There should be a mandatory class on suburban sensibilities for every NYC resident who moves to LI. Welcomre to the neighborhood Tony!

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