Monday, April 16, 2007

Frustrations over Bellerose house

The Times Ledger reports that the Queens Colony Civic Association is angry over a house being expanded along infamous 88th Road in Bellerose:

Robert Kersten, a member of the civic, claims a two-family house being constructed at 248-47 88th Rd., which is adjacent to his, does not adhere to the required 5-foot side yard requirement under zoning rules. He said the home only leaves about 1 feet of space between the two houses, meaning it should be set back another 3 feet.

He said if the home, known in the community as "the cruise ship" due to its long length, were to be set back, "it would give me some sun back in the yard."

Bellerose civic puts pressure on city

The home was issued a stop-work order Sept. 20 for not having its second floor set back enough. That was rescinded on Dec. 15, according to the Buildings Web site, and was cited again on March 21 for debris on the site. The second-stop work order was removed March 26.

This guy sounds like a great neighbor...and 88th Road sounds like the wild west.


Anonymous said...

Wild West?

Naw, Astoria /Dutch Kills /Sunnyside /Hunters Point, now there is the place where the deer and the antelope roam.

Anonymous said...

Why wasn't this "great neighbor" interviewed in the story? Shouldn't we know who the identity of these a-holes?

Anonymous said...

You ain't heard nothing yet!!

Borough Commissioner Lee announced to the crowd at the Queens Civic Congress last evening that he had told the builder to get a saw at Home Depot and cut off three inches.

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