Friday, April 6, 2007

DOB & Trib harass Avella over backyard pool

You've apparently pissed off the machine, Mr. Avella:

Zoning Chair Cited For Illegal Pool

The Un-Tony

This is the same paper that thinks Melinda Katz is all that and a bag of chips, so their criticism of a council member should be taken as a compliment.

Priorities of Queens Tribune:

1) Ignore the songbird's deep-rooted connections to developers
2) Go after Avella over his pool

Photo from


Anonymous said...

These newspapers are a piece of work. Every year they get worse and worse. Every year their 'news' gets more and more partisan.

We need another newspaper, a newspaper for the people.

You listening (?!?)

Anonymous said...

It is so funny how the the King of Tweeders, Ackerman never fails to take some cheap shot at Avella, yet all those tired hacks they bring out, get nothing but empty headed drooling glassy eyed praise that would make anyone short of a dits blush.

These guys are doing such a great job. Doesn't Queens look better year after year, just like Manhattan and Brooklyn?

Anonymous said...

I have first hand knowledge that DOB is a knowing and willing accomplice in the use of its power to accept vindictive false reports that are part of a neighbor-on-neighbor use of DOB in vendettas.

One clue: almost instant posting of the "complaint" on the DOB website, and then an immediate "inspection" and "discovery" of "violations".

DOB has a legitimate mission. It must manage itself to stay on that mission.

A fix? Retain the identity of anyone making a complaint. If the complaints are more numerous than normal, or, unfounded, prosecute the offender and reveal the identity for any private legal action.

Anonymous said...

That wind sucking Ackerman (and his weak-lie rag) is at it again! He's, obviously got a beef with Avella for kicking DOB in the ass!

Bravo Tony....the voters will back you in your Mayoral run!

Funny how DOB takes forever to investigate the numerous Tommy Huang criminal violations and are Johnny on the spot when it comes to a questionable violation of a crusading Councilmember!

Hey Congressman Gary, you've been snorting posterior Methane so long your face looks like the bloated corrupt windbag that you really are!

Anonymous said...

When in doubt, go to the rules:

Subchapter 7

Swimming Pools

Anonymous said...

"In October 2005, the DOB received two calls about his residence: one claiming that there was an illegal apartment in his cellar and another regarding the above ground pool that was part of the home when he moved in 15 years ago."

This sounds like something Pinky may have done. Just like he did to Ro and her neighbors and blamed it on a "mean-spirited civic group." We all know he hates Avella.

Anonymous said...

Councilman Avella is one of the good guys. The kind of abuse he has experienced is par for the course from the likes of the Tribune and their allies, the Queens Democrat Machine and other jealous council members. Thankfully, the Tribune is floundering and the Dem Machine is crumbling. Hang in there Tony Avella, you are a true voice of Queens County and the middle class. Keep fighting. We are with you 100%.

Anonymous said...

CM Tony Avella, I am with you 110%!!! You are a hero! The other politicos forget their constituency. You're there first-hand with an open ear.

The DOB has nothing better to do than harass you on something that isn't even on the books. Based on the article, the Tribune is in cohoots with the DOB or rather the "Devastation of Buildings."

Anonymous said...

So Tony, which members of the machine did you ever invite over for a backyard party? Think about it and then you may come up with your answer as to who is calling in these complaints.

Anonymous said...

Dennis Pee Gallagher called the DOB on Tony Avella. Gallagher works night and day thinking how to screw people. The man is pure evil.

Nicholas Kaizer said...

I don't know if it's an issue of the Times having a bias against Avella. I see it more of an issue of the City paying back Avella for his years of outspoken leadership in railing against the City for its complacency in permitting overdevelopment in North Queens. For years, Avella and his constituents have complained about the unchecked construction of oversized buildings on every piece of property zoned for more modest construction. In response to his, and our, requests the City has generally permitted such illegal construction, whether out of neglect, allegiance to architects or developers or the better tacticts employed by contractors or homeowners. Truth be told, the City has been dilegent about sending out inspectors and has timely issued violations, but such violations are toothless. Perhaps the laws need to be changed to give zoning and aesthetics a greater voice in the construction arena. The real issue is that the City has the time and energy to investigate and prosecute such silly, de minimus violations while it ignores the destruction of nearly every remaining open space in North Queens (and elsewhere) and the far more important safety issue of scores of illegal occupants in space originally constructed for far fewer. Let’s not even get going on the issue of tax-free churches, monasteries, etc., popping up on every block in Flushing. That’s an issue for another day.

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