Monday, April 9, 2007

Bloomie & Dan are all wet

When it comes to understanding the impact of rising seas on the city, Bloomberg and Doctoroff are All Wet.

There are many reasons why the city is adaptation-averse, and, of course, they start with real estate interests. If Doctoroff were to take adaptation seriously, he'd have to rethink his growth agenda, much of which is centered on the city's shoreline. His greatest development initiatives are coastal rezonings, from the West Side to Greenpoint/Williamsburg; at the same time that he can't get even "moderate" estimates of sea-level rise right, he's spurring development by the sea at an unprecedented pace.

The Voice has overlaid Doctoroff's biggest projects onto maps of both FEMA-defined floodplains and Office of Emergency Management's storm evacuation zones, and it's as good a fit as the deputy mayor's suits.

Illustration from Village Voice


Anonymous said...

Think of all those expensive condos in Queens West etc. hit by a hurricane and a Con Ed blackout with no phone or elevator service!

Above the 11th floor , according to NYC's Fire're on your own....God case of a fire. (That's how high they can reach with their ladders)!

We hope the stair wells are fire proof.....not like the ones in the World Trade Center!

Where does Doctoroff live? We already know Bloombergs address!

Their escape plans, I'm sure, are in order!

Anonymous said...

The thing I like is how the newpapers breathlessly (like little children with tinsel) talk about all those new developments.

Hey Jeff VanDam, yes you of the NYT, we remember the pan you gave to St Saviours and St George parsonage. Nice responsible reporting there.

Now your little piece about Dutch Kills was cool. Add your efforts to the innocent being taken advantage of.

Well, Jeffery, how turning your considerable talents at 'reporting' on the wisdom of building in a flood zone?

At a loss for words? Don't worry! Perhaps we can help you! Include details like lives at risk, taxpayers money for wealthy developer bailout. Now that is a nice start.

We leave the rest up to you!

Anonymous said...

Hey, maybe Team Gioia can discuss this.

He has such a great future. He will need some ready answers for the waterfront disaster he will be responsible for.

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