Friday, April 6, 2007

Adrian plays defense on artificial turf

The city’s Parks Dept. has refused a request to study possible health risks from synthetic turf fields currently installed at 73 locations and planned for another 40 athletic fields.

Parks Dept. denies health study of synthetic turf

What do they have to hide? Maybe this:

That rubber comes from recycled tires, and Crain’s toxicology test showed levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) far above safety standards set by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. A concentration of the highly carcinogenic benzo(a)pyrene was found to be more than eight times above acceptable soil levels. If this was found in dirt, Crain said, the state would declare the fields contaminated.

Two months later, Benepe denied the request in a letter directing further questions to the department’s lawyer...This week the Parks Dept. cited two studies to discredit Crain; one was funded by the Tire Recycling Management Association of Alberta, Canada.

In NYC, a pretty field is more important than the health of the people who use it.

Photo from NYC Parks Department website


Anonymous said...

Bloomberg knows something. So, what does he know and when did he first know it?

Bloomberg's, Benepe's, Frieden's first loyalty is to their own bank account.

How much do each of these get for putting the kids in grave danger?

The city wouldn't have had to pay a penny for the tests. So, what are these three grifters hiding? Are they afraid of the investigations that follow such a crooked deal?

Anonymous said...

So Bloomberg pays the manufacturer to perform a study of the potentially dangerous product. The manufacturer exonerates the product manufacturer and attempts to disparage the person who brought up the question in the first place.

Now, that's integrity Bloomberg!

Anonymous said...

jeez what are the health risks of muddy fields with broken glass and rocks?
what a bunch of wimps.

Anonymous said...

bloated boy above

Anonymous said...

Adrian Benepe is by far the worst thing to happen to Parks in recent memory. Besides handing over parkland and using Flushing Meadows as a parking lot for Shea Stadium he has criminally mismanaged our city's park system. He's not even good for ribbon cutting ceremonies because he routinely makes smug and condescending comments. Adrian Ineptepe, we are counting the days until Bloomberg wakes up and dumps your sorry ass.

Anonymous said...

Hey, what's wrong with Astro Turf? Less for the Parks Dept. to maintain.

That leaves Benepe with more free time to kiss butt in his bid (obviously he has aspirations) for a higher office!

Maybe C.M. Gallagher, Katz, Gioia etc. can join him in a Daisy chain!

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