Sunday, April 1, 2007

Your tax dollars at work, continued

Councilman Dennis Gallagher and Assemblywoman Marge Markey are planning to hold a protest rally on Monday, April 2nd at 6pm in front of 59-39 58th Avenue in Maspeth. The funny thing is that the halfway house they are planning to protest has already been shut down - a point that Gallagher and Markey are well aware of, as it was front page news at their favorite newspaper. But that won't stop them from getting themselves a little face time in front of the cameras for their next taxpayer-funded mailers to their constituents.

Here's how the story unfolded:

On March 5th, a neighbor called 311 to report that a two-family home was being converted into a rooming house illegally. As many as 20 mattresses had been delivered to the house and a lot of traffic was observed going in and out of the dwelling.

On March 22nd, the issue was brought up at the area's monthly COP104 meeting, attended by more than 200 concerned residents. At that time, the Commanding Officer said the situation was being closely monitored by the precinct.

On March 26th, the Department of Buildings inspected the property and immediately issued an "order to vacate." They found that the house had indeed been converted into a transient hotel. It so happened that Dennis Gallagher showed up at the house as inspectors were trying to gain access with a newspaper reporter in tow.

According to the NYPD, who inspected the house, it was vacated on March 27th. Additionally, summonses were issued to the owner by both the FDNY and the Department of Buildings for several violations including lack of rear exits, sprinklers and other violations.

This incident perfectly illustrates why Councilman Gallagher should not be advising residents to deny access to DOB inspectors who receive complaints about illegal occupancy. It seems that this house was used for a program for recently released inmates from Rikers Island. This program is meant to help prisoners get acclimated to life in public. The ex-prisoners, who were described as "non-violent offenders," would stay at the house from Monday through Wednesday and then return to their regular homes for the rest of the week. The trouble is that this house was not built for 20 residents - a detail missed by the owner of the property and the program facilitator.

The FDNY, NYPD and the Department of Buildings all did their jobs with relative speed. The owner was fined and the house was shut down. So why are Gallagher and the clueless Marge Markey still holding a rally? Shouldn't an effective rally have been held sometime between March 5th and March 26th?

The answer is obvious - publicity. Gallagher and Markey are attempting to squeeze at least another week's worth of newspaper articles out of this story so it will appear that they actually did something for the neighborhood, when in reality they had no involvement whatsoever. By Friday afternoon, there were flyers posted outside the windows of shops (not inside) advertising the rally.

"Why are they wasting police manpower for a protest? The place was shut down!" That's what many local cops and residents are asking about this blatant abuse of tax dollars. The 104th precinct, in which the house is located, has seen an increase in daytime burglaries over the past few months, and cops are desperately needed out on the streets to keep potential intruders from striking and to protect citizens from harm.

We'll see which of their stooges turn out to stand behind them while they are mugging for the cameras and which papers report on it as if it is actual news. (Deadlines for the politicians' Easter ads are due soon so we predict widespread coverage.)

In coming weeks, Gallagher and Markey are also planning to protest other past events, such as the passage of the Tea Act, racist Jim Crow laws and U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. Tune in to Queens Crap; we'll have full coverage of those rallies as well!


hooper said...

So Maspeth residents should have a say in what gets put in their neighborhood, eh Pinky?

What about the people who live by St. Saviour's, shouldn't they get a say? Not when your friends stand to make money, I guess.

If the owner of this flophouse had hired the Parkside group, it would probably still be in operation.

Anonymous said...

I recall there being a rally and a press conference at St. Saviour's last Spring, and the people who live near there came out to demand a say in what gets put in their neighborhood, but Pinky, their so-called "representative" was nowhere to be found.

Anonymous said...

I never saw Markey at any rally for Saint Saviours. Gallagher called the police on us when we rallied. (Just as he did when we rallied on Mazeau Street againt Tommy Huang).

Don't count on either of these grifters when there is a community need. They're too busy arranging money transfers for themselves.

Let either one list the ten most valuable accomplishments for their constituents since the last election.

Anonymous said...

Is Gallagher going to be drinking "Long Island Iced Tea"?

He'll go from pink to red!

Anonymous said...

I guess if you're Judge Markey's daughter you're guaranteed employment for life.

Mediocre performance at the taxpayers' expense!

Anonymous said...

I remember interviewing the fellows at the Elk's Club after Markey got them landmarked.

They were fit to be tied as it was done against their wishes, but since they didn't have $50,000 to fight it, there was nothing they could do (so much for the bull about getting the owner's permission).

Interesting, I guess the building played a role in her father's career.

Once again, the deciding factor in landmarking is not historical merit (although the Elk's building certainly deserved it) but the right connections.

The law is unfair, discriminates, and should be thrown out.

Anonymous said...

This protest is to make the elected officials who do the least look like they are doing something. Gallagher and Markey are two of the most ineffectual elected officials in the State of New York.

Anonymous said...

Who is sponsoring this protest? There is no organization or phone number on this flyer. Why?

Anonymous said...

This is some more fake crap brought to you by the king of fake crap, Dennis P. Gallagher.

Anonymous said...

"In coming weeks, Gallagher and Markey are also planning to protest other past events, such as the passage of the Tea Act, racist Jim Crow laws and U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. Tune in to Queens Crap; we'll have full coverage of those rallies as well!" Wonderful and accurate spoof on Pinky and the Brain-less.

Anonymous said...

My prediction of the main cast of characters at the phony protest: the un-American bastard (in the true meaning) bank president; the bloated lap dancing boy; Low Mike– the big neighborhood drug dealer; Snake LaCrapa- the stuttering dumbass "attorney" with connections; gilligan, the skipper too, the stripper, the millionaire and his wife, the swinger and the mechanic, pinky and the brain-less; Eileen trailer trash, and the do-nothing MK-T, who likes to pretend she's working but everyone knows that she's not and everyone hates her.

It should be nauseating to say the least. Watch as they pretend to be outraged.

Anonymous said...

What has Thompson done for this except crap it up?

Anonymous said...

2 April Fools. And whoever shows up to cheer them on are even bigger fools.

Anonymous said...

I think Councilman Leroy Comrie and his staff are worth every penny of their budget. The man respects his constituents. He helped me with a problem I was having with noise.

We all sleep better at night thanks to Councilman Comrie. That's worth a lot to working people.

Anonymous said...

It's terrible that police manpower is being wasted for this non-event.

Anonymous said...

why the hell is a Comrie supporter on this blog?

Anonymous said...

A phony civic association, together with a phony Councilman rallying on a phony issue.

Anonymous said...

Assembly Member Markey once again was a no-show. She can't even attend her own events.

Anonymous said...

Come one Comrie

Anonymous said...

Come-a Come-a Come-a Come-a Comeeeeerie
You come and go-ohohoho
You come and go-ohohoho

Anonymous said...

Did anyone check out the lap dancing bloated boy and the lo class drug dealer A.D. at the protest? What a crew!!! Didn't see the stripper and the swinger, did you QC?

Anonymous said...

They're Comrie to take me away hahahah
They're Comrie to take me away hohohoh hehehe hahahah
To the happy home, with trees and flowers and churping birds and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're COMRIE TO TAKE ME AWAY...

Anonymous said...


georgetheatheist said...

Hey Schenkler: We dare you to print these Comrie comments in your rag, the Southeast Comrie, er Press.

Anonymous said...

I think Gallagher and Markey should now schedule a protest to try and save Niederstein's Restaurant.

I can hear them both chanting:
"Hey ho Niederstein's must not go."
"Hey ho Niederstein's must not go."
"Hey ho Niederstein's must not go."
"Hey ho Niederstein's must not go."

"Hey ho Niederstein's must not go."

We are fortunate to have such committed public servants like the team of Gallagher & Markey who fight for our community especially saving our historic landmarks. What a "great" job they are doing.

georgetheatheist said...

Whasamatter, you don't like Arby's?

Anonymous said...

Markey went from a lower end civil service spot, working for Shulman, to becoming a world class bench warmer!

ASS-emblywoman Marge!

And then there's Gallagher the grifter!

What a pair!

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