Tuesday, March 6, 2007

He puts the "funny" in funny business

Don't know if you guys heard the news, but her royal highness, Councilwoman Melinda Katz, held auditions at city hall to see who would become her court jester. Councilman Dennis Gallagher ran away with the honor after performing an original routine called "The Joke's on Our Constituents."

Above: The Queen of Queens Crap posing with her Middle Village Idiot for a touching photo in front of their favorite landscape.


Anonymous said...

So....has Katz, the "courtesan" for the NYC building industry, found a new "canoodling" partner....."Pinky" Gallagher?

I'll bet she'll steam up his eyeglasses with some "cozy" deals!

Anonymous said...

Now that is classic! Who better to act as Katz's court jester than the biggest joke of the city council, Councilman Dennis Gallagher?

Anonymous said...

I think Dennis just wanted to win the title so he could cover up that shiny pink dome of his.

Anonymous said...

A jester was also known as a "professional fool." Therefore, the right person definitely won the title, because Dennis Gallagher is certainly a fool and one that does so in an expert way. No one quite measures up to the standard he has set. His constituents must be proud!

Anonymous said...

Yes first poster, it appears the great canoodler has crossed the border into pink elephant territory.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see Dennis wear his curled pointy shoes and his puffy pants.

Anonymous said...

I like Dennis kissing her ring. Is he practicing for more?

Anonymous said...

Will Stavisky & Co. (Parkside) be the Royal Executioner?

Anonymous said...

That's our Dennis. With that hat he can take part in Mardi Gras. There are several reasons why New Orleans would be a perfect vacation spot for him.

Anonymous said...

Hey....let's not forget Ackerman! He needs a position in the Royal retinue! Any suggestions?

Anonymous said...

I think that he looks more like a "Denise".

Wow....a councilman in drag....an expert juggler of his constituents and builder friends!

Anonymous said...

I picture John Liu unscrolling her edicts and reading them aloud, David Weprin in charge of her counting house and Eric Gioia working on building her a bigger castle. Hey, maybe she can just move into that big gray house in the other post.

Anonymous said...

How about the Con Ed Chorus crooning chorales, with Vallone, Gianaris, Onorato?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Ackerman can be her royal coachman.

Anonymous said...

Let's take a short moment to be serious. How did Hevesi's girl get McLaughlin's boy to kiss her finger?

Did she pour a splash of liquor on her hand to attract this Pink Honey Bee?

Remember, "All's fair in love and war!"

Anonymous said...

Good at least next time he shows up on the doorstep of someone who wrote a complaint letter to him, he'll make them laugh.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a wine or liquor brand named
"Gallagher & Burton"?

Sing for yer supper and dance fer yer drink!

Anonymous said...

So, is that who the pink pig's porkin' nowadays besides his constituents?

verdi said...

It's good to read all these "tender expressions" for such a perfect couple!

Anonymous said...

Ya enjoy readin' all this honey?

Do ya like bein' a "bimbo" for da builders?

verdi said...

C'mon....join in....George the "A".
You've always got something good to say!

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute...jesters usually do juggling acts to entertain the royal family. What will happen to Pinky when the Queen discovers that her juggling jester has no balls?

georgetheatheist said...

Katz: "Dennis, is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
Gallagher: "Neither, the surgeon screwed up the lobotomy."

Anonymous said...

That's where his brain is, George!

Anonymous said...

Dennis; Can you join us in this fun? After all, it's at your expense, so you have a right to say something.

But, we have the right to laugh even more.

Your "lobotomy" explanation was super!

Anonymous said...

She told me it would be our little secret :::sniff:::

Anonymous said...

Klaus said:

Once the two canoodling, conniving, cohorts complete their term in office they will probably open up a lobbying firm to be know as “Melinda & Melinda”

Anonymous said...

Once the two canoodling, conniving, cohorts complete their term in office they will probably open up a lobbying firm to be known as "Melinda & Melinda."

Anonymous said...

Why do you concentrate so much on Mr. Gallagher? Never heard of him in our part of Queens or on city issues. Write more about Councilmember Avella, who has done several good things and we are fortunate to have fighting for us. If Mr. Gallagher is so bad why don't you file a complaint with Council Speaker Christine Quinn? Usually the council person is only as good as his or her staff. Mr. Gallagher's staff must not be qualified if there are this many complaints.

Anonymous said...

"Mr. Gallagher's staff must not be qualified if there are this many complaints"

Well, they're definately qualified to do some things. Working for the constituency isn't one of them.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be a lack of respect for Mr. Gallagher. I have followed the NYC Council for quite some time and to be honest I have not heard of this man. Why is he hated so?

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