Thursday, March 15, 2007

Beginning of the end for the Iron Triangle

Eminent domain comes to Queens, led by our old friend, Claire:

Shulman to lead Willets Point group

One prospective developer said, “We want to transform what is a blighted area and create what will amount to a city within a city.”

But Shulman is not the only guilty party here. Brian McLaughlin came up with the bright idea in 2004:

Willets Point Eyed For Development

The Bridge and Tunnel Club has a photo collection of the Iron Triangle, and the Village Voice tackled the subject last summer. Satan's Laundromat may have the most extensive collection of IT shots.

This is an area that is blighted because the city never saw fit to install sewers there. Contaminated land? No problem. They'll build anyway.

Even Robert Moses never sank so low as to take private land for the benefit of private interests.

Photo from Queens Gazette


Anonymous said...

Where are those businesses supposed to go?

Anonymous said...

250 businesses? Sheesh. That's a shame.

Anonymous said...

"The organization, which is likely to be named the Flushing/Willets Point/Corona LLC (Limited Liability Company), is expected to have a wide representation of civic and business leaders."

Who will comprise this group if no one lives there and the businesses are being kicked out?

Anonymous said...

Have you ever had a grandmother or crazy aunt whose house was so immaculate that their couch was encased in plastic? This is how the Bloomberg administration is treating this city. Any place that looks "gritty" is being driven out to make way for new development.

Anonymous said...

This has got to be one of the most contaminated areas of Queens. Are they joking?

Anonymous said...

I would use the term business, very loosely with some of those places. Many a car part that has fallen off a truck finds its way there

Anonymous said...

Well here is an interesting question.

Will those church groups (of uncertain backing) that insist on 'affordable housing' protest building homes for poor people on the NYC equivalent of Love Canal, or will they, true to their shadowy backers, remain mute?

Anonymous said...

I've watched them drain the car fluids right into the ground as they are cutting it up. Just take a drive down Willets Pt. Blvd. See for yourself. Try not to bottom out and break an axle or rupture your oilpan doing so.

Between this place and the concrete/asphalt places along College Pt. Ave, that area has to be one of the most polluted area around.

Anonymous said...

"The organization, which is likely to be named the Flushing/Willets Point/Corona LLC (Limited Liability Company), is expected to have a wide representation of civic and business leaders."

They will all represent the real estate interests of the Asian investors on the other side of the Flushing River. Case in point: TDC, Community Board #7's Landlord, has two proposals for this site.

Anonymous said...

This takeover plan goes way back to the regime of that bastard Donald Manes!

Anonymous said...

As usual, Claire will be there to make Donny's dream come true!

Anonymous said...

have you seen this?

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