Thursday, February 1, 2007

Whitestone Widening

There's an excellent expose in the Queens Chronicle this week:

Street Widening Takes Whitestone By Surprise

Does it surprise anyone that the city is helping out the College Point Industrial Park at the expense of private homeowners?

“They are trying to sneak it in. The government should work for the people, not against them.”

Welcome to Queens!

Eminent domain: coming soon to a street near you.


Anonymous said...

The additional three feet taken from those Whitestone homeowners should provide adequate space needed for the expansion of the NY Times printing plant traffic. Whew! Problem solved!

Anonymous said...

Do the homeowners get a reduction in their real estate taxes for the 3 feet of land they're losing to the city?

Anonymous said...

" Do the homeowners get a reduction in their real estate taxes for the 3 feet of land they're losing to the city?"

It's very possible that those three feet belong to the city, not to the homeowners. A lot of homes in Queens have front lawns that actually extend out past their property line.

Tony Avella and Frank Padavan work hard for their constituents. It's amazing how Iris Weinshall managed to give the okay to this, just as she ran out the door in her last week as DOT Commissioner. Did she not want to face the wrath of two politicians that speak their minds?

Weinshall's parting shot is strangely reminiscent of the former Queens commissioner of the DOB, Magdi Mossad, who okayed a monstrosity at 263rd St and 83rd Avenue in Bellerose/Floral Park on his last day.

Even if the city took every inch of these homeowners' front yards, there's a bottleneck on that overpass over the Whitestone Expressway. Just as adding an extra lane on an expressway helps the traffic at first, it's just a temporary solution, as traffic will always fill the space that's created.


Anonymous said...

Give the city 3 feet and they'll take 3 yards! Then they'll give you back the whole 9 yards in the form of air pollution and traffic congestion! Bravo Tony and Frank for backing your constituents to the hilt on this! You're my district's heros!

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