Tuesday, February 6, 2007

They Should be Ashamed of Themselves

Oy vey...what are they thinking?

Historical Society Throwdown on the UWS


Anonymous said...

This is the same historical society that, years back, was in trouble for its bad stewardship in maintaining some of its collection. In an off site storage facility, some important museum holdings had not been properly safeguarded. As a result paintings etc. suffered damage. It was a major embarassment for NYHS. There was a subsequent investigation that followed (with wide media coverage) which led to the framing of guidelines, by (I think) N.Y.State regarding the care of important artifacts and collections materials in the various private museums throughout the state. This same organization has now demonstrated that it cares little for the stewardship of its neighborhood with the high rise monster it proposes to build. There's something hypocritical about a museum that's anti preservation, particularly in this regard! It's downright shameful!

Anonymous said...

Air rights..... bah......the very air and sky itself .....are for sale in NYC at extremely high prices! What shall we make a "buck" off of next. Hey, my mother is for sale. She's a virgin. What am I bid ? This is just what we need now....less sky, trees, air and flowers, replaced by an abundance of concrete and glass! Sometimes I think that we're in the shadow of our own dark souls!

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