Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Preserving Stone Walls

The NY Times has an article about how Connecticut towns mandate the preservation of colonial era property walls. This probably means they still have colonial era homes! That must be nice:

For Many Colonial-Era Walls, No Tumbling Is Allowed

Mr. Jacobson, a real estate developer, said he was happy to meet the town’s requirements because he, too, wanted to preserve the historic elements of his property. “That is an essential part of the character of the town, the people of the town and everything that permeates the town,” he said.

That's because you live there, buddy. Do you care as much about those things in the communities in which you build? How many developers actually choose to live in the neighborhoods that they destroy?

Photo from NY Times


Anonymous said...

Developers, like dogs, will never shit where they sleep!

Anonymous said...

Exactly. They live out of state and crap on Queens.

Anonymous said...

Old Astoria still has stone walls: on Vernon, 12th & 14th Streets, 27th Ave. Check them out. We lose a few every year.

Anonymous said...

There's also a (mortared) stone wall around the original perimeter of the old Poppenhusen estate in College Point (though the building is long gone).

Anonymous said...

There's also an old stone wall in front of the Bowne House. Who knows what the hell the city's going to do with this treasure, now that it took possession of it! Thank you, John Liu, for doing nothing on this one either. It's smack in the middle of your district. Maybe if someone finds a mouse sitting on the dining room table, you might show yourself for the cameras!

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