I received this letter in the mail from Councilman Gallagher and I must say that it took me by surprise. I have been on community board 5 for years and never have been asked to come in for an interview to defend why I should be reappointed. I found out that certain people who are rumored to be on the chopping block (for such infractions as daring to speak out against variances that the councilman's cronies were seeking, or having the gall to support saving the entire St. Saviour's church grounds) received a version of this letter via certified mail. It appears that Councilman Gallagher is still on the warpath, and the victims continue to be community volunteers.
Yes, dear readers, the community board process seems to be a very corrupt one with the losers being the communities at large and those trying to defend them.
Dennis Gallagher is setting himself up to have a great fall, much like Napoleon and Humpty Dumpty.
This is unbelievable. As a taxpayer, I'm appalled that an elected official would send out a letter like this to people who do way more for the community as unpaid volunteers than he ever has.
The councilman is not a gatekeeper for the community board - that is ultimately the Boro president's job. He's only supposed to recommend half the applicants, no?
Yet Mr. Gallagher's threatening letter not only suggests that he can and will control the Boro President's decision, but also that he is inclined to impose his own term limiting policy on the community board - except of course, for his cronies, which he also states pretty blatantly states in the letter.
If anyone from a newspaper is reading this - this would be a great story. Maybe Arnold Diaz or one of those 'shame-on-you' TV news programs should pay Mr. Gallagher a visit. I think the boro pres, mayor and council speaker should also be alerted to his inappropriate actions. I guess I had better get on the phone.
Actually, Pinky doesn't get half the board nominations, he gets a percentage of half. There are 3 other council members who represent portions of CB5 and have the right to submit their own nominations for appointments.
Does the "pooper scooper" law apply to this municipal turd?
He believes in Term Limits, but the idea doesn't always apply? Is this elfin sized lickspittle ever sober enough to produce a coherent thought?
When the sheriff knocks, will Pinky experience Termus Interruptus?
Just Like Darth Vader, Gallagher has gone over to the "dark side" of the force. Or is it "Parkside"?
Yes it is Parkside. He actually met with them this afternoon while he was supposed to be at a council hearing about the problem with the school bus routes. Way to go, Pinky!
So let's see...Gallagher's not only in bed with a foreign developer, he's also screwing his constituents so he can make a few bucks in candy money. What a selfish prick!
I bet that the members of the community board getting removed will be replaced by that fat buffoon and other hangers-on from the Dennis Gallagher Civic Association. And they will all nod in agreement with everything the Menace says, just like they are his personal bobblehead dolls.
Can you spell corruption?
You have to wonder how a Republican even got elected in this town considering the district is something like 5-1 Democrat. Oh yeah, no one ran against him. How convenient.
If Helen Marshall takes Pinky's side, then someone should open an investigation into her office. Why would she listen to a councilman? She is the damn president of the borough! Show some spine, woman!
So Gallagher's in favor of term limits, eh? I'm sure he'd fail to show up the day the vote is taken in the council chamber and then run again.
This guy is looking to earn his place amongst Connolly, Manes and McLaughlin as one of the most corrupt Queens pols in history.
I would not demean Napoleon so much as to compare him to Counciljerk Dennis Gallagher. Napoleon was a leader, a head of state. Gallagher is a no-talent, corrupt, lying dirtbag who should be compared to only things that are pure evil, like my 7th grade nun or my first wife.
Anyone else also notice how Pinky's own people quickly whisper in each others ears as soon as this little sized creep has his back turned?
Then they have a little laugh at his expense?
Does anyone like him?
Is it true what I heard about Pinky not running for office again but instead going to work for Parkside as a lobbyist? That would raise the question, "Then why is he having all these fundraisers?" Can he transfer the money he raises out to other politicians that Parkside will need favors from? Do his supporters know that this is his plan and is it legal to raise money when you are not planning to run for an office?
Politicians can keep all the money they raise in fund raisers and use it after they leave office.
Who they hell writes these laws?
Why the hell are they permitted to stay on the books?
Pinky is just one step ahead of the "shoe shines" (as Feds used to be called) . They're on his ass! And I hope that his future "cell buddy" likes him enough to.......well, well, well.....that's enough for now!
Most community boards aren't worth squat anyway. They don't really represent their communities. They're filled with "yes men (and women)"........politically aspiring hacks. If anyone gets too independent, they get the boot! Any decisions they make are strictly advisory and their district managers get paid around $65,0000+ , I understand! For doing what? Board members should be elected by voters and decisions made by the CBs should be more than advisory.
Elected Officials are not allowed to keep the money in their campaign accounts. gallagher is going to run for the State Senate against maltese in 2008 this way the Democrats can have thier own man in the seat.
Councilman Dennis P. Gallagher is now so desperate that he has resorted to conducting phony interviews for community board reappointments subjecting volunteer board members to a scripted list of moronic questions. His idea of instituting term limits for community board members is laughable and is yet another dumb scheme that seeks to promote his cronies from the Dennis Gallagher Civic Association onto Community Board 5. The sham process that he created is designed to cover his removal of board members who dare question his shocking abuse of power. Trouble is it won’t work since he opened his mouth to one too many city officials about his plan.
Unbelievably, the genius Gallagher built a huge glass house and placed it in the middle of a rock quarry. As an elected official who makes Bill Clinton look like a choirboy, Gallagher is the last guy that should be throwing stones. It’s not surprising that he has fallen so far since he has absolutely no one around him with an ounce of grey matter to counsel him. His staff and several allies reads as a Who’s Who of neighborhood miscreants. They too will be held accountable for misdeeds against the community.
Gallagher suspected that someday it could all come crashing down but he just couldn’t change his deviant lifestyle. Watch as his “supporters” jump like rats from the sinking SS badship Gallagher as a lifetime of indiscretions catches up to him.
Klaus said:
A friend of mine asked me if I have ever read the Queen Crapper and I said, do you mean the Queens Ledger! Because that paper is surely stuffed with more crap than a Thanksgiving turkey, once I read the Queens Crap blog, which post the unvarnished truth about community issues, it was a mistake on my part to confuse the two different media. During the conversation he asked, did you read the Queens Ledger article about councilman Gallagher “Bringing Community Board Appointments To New Level” in this weeks Queens Ledger? Again I said no. So! I had to buy the Queens Ledger and read about the duplicitous tarradiddler, Pinky Gallagher written by his convoluted publicist Walter Sanchez. Any intelligent reader, Oh! Excuse me I doubt any intelligent person would be reading the Queens Ledger unless it was part of their job. Now that I have read the crap in the Queens Ledger – the Queens Crap is on target. It is absurd that a volunteer who has faithfully and successfully executed the duties of a community board member for years should be required to undergo any interview with the councilman whatsoever. It would be analogous to requiring a police sergeant to take the sergeant’s test every two years. The truth of the matter is that Pinky is abusing his council manic powers to alter the complexion of the community board to achieve a yes vote on a zoning change that would be the beginning of the process to expunge the history of St Saviours from Maspeth. Only the acceptance of money would drive a councilperson to such ruthless acts as Pinky Gallagher has implemented against a long-standing, proud and effective advocacy organization such as the Juniper Park Civic Association
A friend of mine asked me if I have ever read the Queens Crapper and I said, do you mean the Queens Ledger! Because that paper is surely stuffed with more crap than a Thanksgiving turkey. Once I read the Queens Crap blog, which posts the unvarnished truth about community issues, it was a mistake on my part to confuse the two different media. During the conversation he asked, did you read the Queens Ledger article about councilman Gallagher “Bringing Community Board Appointments To New Level” in this weeks Queens Ledger? Again I said no. So! I had to buy the Queens Ledger and read about the duplicitous tarradiddler, Pinky Gallagher written by his convoluted publicist Walter Sanchez. Any intelligent reader, Oh! Excuse me I doubt any intelligent person would be reading the Queens Ledger unless it was part of their job. Now that I have read the crap in the Queens Ledger – the Queens Crap is on target. It is absurd that a volunteer who has faithfully and successfully executed the duties of a community board member for years should be required to undergo any interview with the councilman whatsoever. It would be analogous to requiring a police sergeant to take the sergeant’s test every two years. The truth of the matter is that Pinky is abusing his council manic powers to alter the complexion of the community board to achieve a yes vote on a zoning change that would be the beginning of the process to expunge the history of St. Saviour's from Maspeth. Only the acceptance of money would drive a councilperson to such ruthless acts as Pinky Gallagher has implemented against a long-standing, proud and effective advocacy organization such as the one fighting to save the church.
This is ... Pinky and the Brain....part one
The Brain: This is the earth. And this is Pinky. You can tell the difference quite easily. One is a lump of inert matter hurtling blindly through the void. The other... is the earth.
The Brain: We're going to a place where the sun never sets, the size of your wallet matters, and politicians slave all day.
Pinky: We're going to the Parkside?
The Brain: Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
Pinky: I think so Brain, but if you replace the P with an O, my name would be Oinky, wouldn't it?
The Brain: Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?
Pinky: I think so, Brain, but if they called them "dedicated elected officials" no one would buy it.
Pinky: Narf! We'll just say it is so and it will be.
The Brain: We're going to a place where the sun never shines, the size of your wallet matters (a lot, especially if you're a developer or lobbyist), and secretaries "slave" all day.
Pinky: We're going to my office?
News Flash..I recently stopped in
a Maspeth bar and saw an old time
drug dealer from the past who was
blowing off his mouth saying that
his friend Dennis Gallagher ( who he had on his speed dial), is putting him on the community board...If I remember correctly his name rhymed with Bugsy...I hear he could sign Mickey Mantles name in the dark. This Bugsy was
a great fiddler in the day. Hope the fine people of Maspeth expose
this Dealer of Deceit.
Ever drive thru Lutheran cemetery and notice there is a street named in Honor of Serf Maltese? Kinda weird since he's still alive. Where would be a good place to name a street after our sleazy pal Dennis? hmm, lets think..
-a road leading to a sewage treatment plant
-the road that leads to Rikers' Island
-a street in Manhattan where Giuliani concentrated all the porn shops
-the street along the railroads tracks near grand and rust street that's strewn with ugly garbage.
-the stretch of woodhaven blvd with all the bars, one after another after another.
-69th street
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