Thursday, February 1, 2007

Control Freaks

Councilmen Hiram Monserrate and Eric Gioia are upset that there aren't enough people in Queens receiving food stamps (yes, you read that correctly).

City loses $61M in Queens non food stamp use

Is the Crapper alone in thinking that this is not an issue? Are there people in this city dying of starvation? Are food stamps even necessary anymore? Let's remember that only in the USA are people in poor neighborhoods and receiving government assistance obese...

Monserrate: "...some are fearful of seeking help because they are undocumented and scared to access any government program."

If certain people are here illegally, why should they receive any benefit funded by taxpayer money? Shouldn't we be trying to discourage lawbreaking?

Those in power like to have as many people on welfare, using food stamps, etc. as possible, because controlling people's purse strings, and therefore, their lives, is part of what keeps them in office. Self-sufficient people start examining and questioning the way their tax dollars are spent and they can't be having that!

By the way, what happened to the days when legal immigrants were to prove they have both a job waiting for them and a sponsor who would be responsible for them should they become a burden to society? That's how it was when my family came here.

Photo of Hiram Monserrate from


Anonymous said...

Is it really allowed to give 'undocumenteds' food stamps? That seems crazy, but nothing should really surprise me, now should it?

georgetheatheist said...

Panem et Circenses (Bread and Circuses)

Anonymous said...

This political manure Monserrate, uses his immigrant base merely to keep himself in power! He's fostering their "serfdom" by keeping them dependent on welfare handouts . A whole new class of "indentured servitude" is born. What does Hiram care, for he's getting fat in the process! I'm thinking of giving up my citizenship and returning as an "illegal" because I find I can't afford to live legally in my own country anymore! I need to get on the gravy train that my taxes are now paying for.

Anonymous said...

A classic example of 'tweeding.' Remember the machine, stuck somewhere in the 19th century, wants to provide goods and services (financed from the public purse) in exchange for allegiance.

Is it not funny, that once they get established, and certainly by the second generation, they want something more in life, like quality of life issues.

Then the machine does everything to get rid of them.

Anonymous said...

I like the reference to the Romans, but there is a big difference: Julius and the boys financed public spectacles from their pockets. The mob was loyal to them.

The machine, instead of using public tax money to benefit the taxpayer, uses it to keep themselves in power.

Yes, you got that right. You and I go to work every day, and take the sweat of our brow, and resources from our family to pay taxes to keep those bums in power.

Then they have development policies that try to get rid of us.

That sucks.

Anonymous said...

Would be nice if some of the national media would pick up on this pandering policy?

Anonymous said...

Hey Hiram, if you really care about immigrants, how about stopping all those work site abuses that not only exploit them, but leave them open to injury and death?

How about some introducing some legislation?

Anonymous said...

I thought this was a site about overdevelopment in Queens, not a politician-bashing site?

Is this a permanent change?

Queens Crapper said...

If you can't understand that the promotion of illegal immigration is one of the direct causes of overdevelopment, then perhaps this site isn't for you.

Anonymous said...

Politicans have made the choice to identify directly and closely with the developers. For them there is no differnce between public policy and developers' interests.

Developers = Politicans

They can try to put space between themselves if they wish.

Anonymous said...

W0W! That is a heavy hit! Can anyone think of a major development idea that was shot down by the politicians?

Anonymous said...

Some politicians deserve bashing. It's called freedom of speech boys! They're taking campaign contributions from many of the same developers that have worksites riddled with violations and safety issues. Some of the immigrants that Monserrate says he's an advocate for may have have died on these sites! Let's all look up Hiram's record at the Campaign Finance Board's web site. Didn't a building collapse on an illegal worker in Corona, killing him, recently? Did that builder contibute money for his re-election? Wasn' t that in Monserrate's district? Let's all look for the answers.

Anonymous said...

A notice to all politicos/developers/lawyers etc: You own the ink and paper weeklies. Peddle your P.R. poop there. We've been denied access to these, so we publish here on this blog! If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. You, obviously don't like things you can't control. "Queens Crap" is the peoples' newly found voice of truth. We will have Democracy in spite of your clumsy attempts to stifle free expression! Amen.

Anonymous said...

how come nothing is said about gioia?? didn't he support the food stamp announcement as well?? doesn't he even profit MORE from developers?? not to mention most day-laborers are in his district.. can't blame Hiram for defending his people.. but the again, if you're not Latino, why whould you understand??

Anonymous said...

Indict Photographer As Perv

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