Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Building Boom

The NY Post reports this morning that

BROOKLYN IS BOROUGH OF BUILD KINGS (and the other boroughs, except Staten Island, are not far behind)

QC supposes we should be jumping up and down at this great news they're telling us. One question: How many new buses, trains, schools, firehouses, power plants, police stations and garages were added to support all of these great new projects?

Metro-NY has another story on the boom, highlighting the fact that only the rich will be left in the city after the dust settles:

Housing permits up, but what’s the cost?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "Post" article mentions that over 30,000 building permits were issued last year. That's a lot of "cabbage" for NYC! What does the average new building permit cost. I'd like to do some rough math on this and see what the city makes off the building boom in this area alone. Oh, I see, that's what DOB is for.....making money, not enforcement!

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