Destructoporn: Caught in the (Illegal) Act in BK
The Internet is where it's at. No real estate interests or political ads shaping content. This is a great idea for the people in Queens who are sick of the building crap that goes on and is ignored in their neighborhoods.
Send me your clips and I will post them here and send a link to every city council person, agency head and the mayor.
Often the best view of a construction site is from a neighbor's window or yard, like this video. What we need to do is recruit neighbors near each site to be watchdogs, now that there's a central place to document the developers' abuses of the law and the people.
Thanks for the props QC.
Anon, you are correct and it is how our group and the South Park Slope Community Group has been documenting (photos and video) all the illegal activity in the area.
More to come...
I'm not sure if this is just some kind of weird coincidence, but has anyone else noticed that the demolition contractor's address is 79-41 Metropolitan Ave, just a few feet away from Councilman Gallagher's office at 78-25 Metropolitan?
The folks in Brooklyn are 10 years ahead of Queens.
This blog cuts down that time by half.
Go Queens Crap!!!
I suggested that a team , maybe called "Video Vigilence" keep a record of all LPC heaings, developers' shenanigans, Community Board meetings etc. in Queens well over 15 years ago! Duh! C'mon you "farmers" put down your hoes! No wonder they've been paving over your borough for the past decade! We've all got to work for what we want! I've done more than my personal share! How about you?
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